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25 Februari 2024 19:00

Ayu Ting Ting and Muhammad Fardhana will get married soon, this is a leak from the Wedding Organizer

The plan is to invite around 2,000 guests. Syeny Wulandari
Ayu Ting Ting and Muhammad Fardhana will get married soon, this is a leak from the Wedding Organizer

Brilio.net - Ayu Ting Ting will soon end her widowhood with a man named Muhammad Fardhana. After holding a proposal event on February 4 2024, the two of them are waiting for their wedding moment.

Ayu Ting Ting and Fardhana's wedding plans were also leaked by Inge Anyelia, as the couple's wedding organizer. In a conversation with Feni Rose, Inge stated that his party was in the preparation period to hold the event that his family and friends were waiting for.

Inge also said that preparations for Ayu Ting Ting's wedding had reached 50 percent. However, Inge said that the marriage of the singer of Palsu Address to the man known as Dhana will not take place in the near future.

"It doesn't seem possible in the near future, just pray (Ayu and Fardhana get married this year)," said Inge Ayelia as reported by brilio.net from Liputan6.com. Sunday (25/2).

photo: Instagram/@ayutingting92

Apart from that, Inge also said that the bride and groom had discussed the number of guests who would be invited to their wedding. According to him, the number of invitations requested by his clients had reached around 2 thousand. However, this is not yet a definite number for Ayu Ting Ting or Dhana's family.

"There are two thousand (invitations made). As for WO, yes. But later we won't know exactly how much," explained Inge.

Although the number of guests who will be invited is already known, Inge cannot reveal more specifics. This is because the details of the concept and other matters related to Ayu Ting Ting's marriage to a member of the TNI have not yet been thoroughly determined.

Until now, it is not known when the wedding date will be. However, many endorsement offers and vendors have come in to provide support for the dancer's wedding event.

"There are so many endorsements that have come in, so we don't have to look around and there are already lots of people who want to support us," he explained.

photo: Instagram/@ayutingting92

Meanwhile, Ayu opened her voice regarding her wedding date. This happened when Ruben Onsu asked him on a television program. The 31 year old singer only answered briefly and asked for prayers so that everything would go smoothly.

"Just pray, Grandma (Ruben), pray that everything will go smoothly and be made easier by Allah," said Ayu Ting Ting.

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