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2 Agustus 2024 15:11

Airing August 1, the film Sakaratul Maut tells the story of the tense moments of death

Sidharta Tata, the film director, said that the idea for this film came from small things in the environment and generally occur in the context of social space. Ida Setyaningsih
dok. Rapi Films

Brilio.net - Sakaratul Maut is the latest horror film to be shown in cinemas starting August 1 2024. This film by Rapi Films tells the story of the family of Mr. Wiryo (Jose Rizal Manua) and Mrs. Wiryo (Retno Yuniwati), a well-known husband and wife in Umbul Krida Village. Their family looks happy and fine.

However, a traffic accident that happened to them caused Mrs. Wiryo to die and Mr. Wiryo to fall into a coma. Retno (Indah Permatasari), their youngest child, postpones her departure to Surabaya to look after her father, with the help of Wati (Della Dartyan), her older sister, even though her chances of survival are very small.

Problems arise when Wati fights over the inheritance with Tarjo (Aksara Dena), her half-sister from Mr. Wiryo's second marriage to Bu Giyem (Maryam Supraba). The neighbors started gossiping about Mr. Wiryo having a "grip" that made it difficult for him to die. One by one they began to experience terror from the terrifying figure of a genie and Pak Wiryo himself began to show strange symptoms in his dying condition.

photo: doc. Rapi Films

Sidharta Tata, the film director, said that the idea for this film came from small things in the environment and commonly occur in the context of social space in society, especially in villages. For example, stories of people in the past who liked to have a 'hold' for safety knowledge, sales, and others who were protective of themselves and their families. However, this grip actually became difficult when he was approaching death.

"This idea was then developed into a story that is very close to society," explained Sidharta Tata, quoted by brilio.net from a press release, Friday (2/8).

Indah Permatasari, who plays Retno, expressed her joy at being involved in this film. He admitted that the first time he got it directly was from Sidharta Tata. According to him, this film also relates to life.

"This film is also quite relatable for all of us, regarding the relationship between brothers and sisters, secrets between husband and wife, and inheritance, which we often encounter in families and certain regions. Hopefully this film can be a film that has a pleasant experience for Indonesian audiences and makes us want to be better humans. said Indah Permatasari.

Sunil G. Samtani, producer of the film Sakaratul Maut, added that Sakaratul Maut tells a family story that is close and closely related to the daily lives of the Indonesian audience. He hopes that Tata's latest work with Rapi Films can be well received and appreciated by Indonesian horror film lovers.

photo: doc. Rapi Films

This film is director Sidharta Tata's second work, produced by Rapi Films, in collaboration with Sky Media, Legacy Pictures and Rhaya Flicks. The screenplay was written by Agasyah Karim, Khalid Kasogi, and Bayu Kurnia, and features a number of talented actors, including Indah Permatasari, Della Dartyan, Claresta Taufan, Maryam Supraba, and Aksara Dena.

Look forward to the film Sakaratul Maut in Indonesian cinemas starting August 1 2024. Keep an eye on Rapi Films' social media channels, or contact the Sakaratul Maut Publication Team for the latest information.

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