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14 Agustus 2016 21:07

Ahmad Dani is back in the news with his controversial tweet

The rock star criticized the revised 2016 State Budget. Sabar Artiyono
Ahmad Dani is back in the news with his controversial tweet

Brilio.net/en -The rock star Ahmad Dhani has once again embroiled himself in political controversy with his outbursts on social media. This time, he criticized the scaling down of government spending.

He once again attacked the government of President Joko Widodo and the latter's former deputy, the current Governor of Jakarta Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahaja Purnama in an obscene tweet.

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Ahmad has gotten in numerous public feuds with the politicians - although they haven't said much about him.

In early August, the government agreed to cut the 2016 State Budget (APBN). This has since been confirmed by Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung.

The revision is based on the proposal of new Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani. The policy is based on two points, the condition of the tax revenue from the last two years and low trading activities.

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The government decided to revise spending at ministries and agencies as well as cutting regional transfer funds. The total budget cut is Rp 133 trillion.

"Rather than cutting the State Budget, better to cut the d**k of jokower and ahoker as leather of woman's export bag," tweeted the musician on Thursday.

The next day, he wasn't done.

"I'm sure the ministers couldn't agree more if Jokower's and Ahoker's d**k iscut to create export bags,instead of cuttingthe State Budget."


Immediately, these two tweets bombarded by netizens.

"Instead of just criticizing,, better help to find the solution #nyampahdoankloe," wrote @viviewijaya2.

"No need to go into politics.. just stay being a musician.. ... ok .. cheers," commented @ariarich.

We're pretty sure this won't be the last thing he has to say!

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