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8 Maret 2024 18:27

After three months of marriage, this is the happy moment Nadya Mustika announced that she was pregnant with Iqbal Rosadi's child

Nadya Mustika felt happiness, she didn't have to wait long when she was pregnant with her first child from her second marriage Ferra Listianti
After three months of marriage, this is the happy moment Nadya Mustika announced that she was pregnant with Iqbal Rosadi's child

Brilio.net - The life of Rizky DA's ex-wife, Nadya Mustika , became even happier after marrying Iqbal Fitrah Rosadi on November 24 2023. Three months after getting married, the couple is now blessed with their first child. Iqbal first announced the news of Nadya's pregnancy via his personal Instagram upload.

Larissa Chou 's sister-in-law showed the ultrasound recording. From the ultrasound results shared by Iqbal, Nadya only had her womb checked about four days ago, on Monday (4/3) to be precise. At first glance, Nadya's fetus in the ultrasound looks like the body of a baby.

photo: Instagram/@iqbalfitrahr

"Best prayers for all of us," said Iqbal accompanying his upload, Friday (8/3).

Unfortunately, Nadya's gestational age is not yet known. However, this happy news immediately received a positive response from many people. Iis Dahlia is no exception, a figure whom Nadya considers like her own mother. Mrs. Devano Danendra prayed that Nadya and the fetus in her womb would always be given health.

photo: Instagram/@iqbalfitrahr

"Bismillah, my mother will be healthy," prayed Iis Dahlia.

"Did you just have an ultrasound accompanied by your husband, Sis Iqbal, please continue to support Sis Nadiya, keep accompanying her, don't hurt her, please love Sis Nadya, I don't know you, I really follow Sis Nadya, I'm pregnant," added @kim_oeni

"Allah is happy to hear that the mother and baby are healthy, amen," said @lalaandiniiiiii.

Even though the fetus Nadya is carrying is Iqbal's first child, it is known that this is Nadya's second pregnancy. Previously, she was blessed with a son named Baihaqqi Syaki, the fruit of her marriage to her ex-husband, Rizki Syafaruddin or who is familiarly known as Rizki D'Academy.

photo: Instagram/@nadyamustikarahayu

Now, Syaki lives with Nadya and her continued father, Iqbal. Even though he has no blood ties, Iqbal loves Syaki like his own child. Rizki DA is also grateful for this. He admitted that Nadya's new husband was a good man who could accept his ex-wife's situation.

"Iky is grateful, thank God, her husband is really kind, because he can accept Iky's situation. If Iky wants to meet Syaki, thank God, 'Yes, that's okay, that's really okay, you can come here'," said Rizki DA when he was a guest star on Morning Morning Ambyar Trans TV.

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