- Famous Indonesian pop singer, Kris Dayanti is one of the artists who has entered the world of politics and was successfully elected as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the 2019 Election. However, in the next nomination, she failed to return to Senayan. In response to the defeat, Atta Halilintar's mother-in-law intends to run as a candidate for Mayor of Batu, East Java.
However, just a few days before the registration of regional head and deputy head candidate pairs scheduled for August 27-29, 2024, Kris Dayanti suddenly announced her resignation. She announced that she would not be running as a candidate for Mayor of Batu, on Thursday (22/8) via her Instagram Stories upload.
Kris Dayanti resigns
"With humility I apologize for not running as mayor of Batu," wrote Kris Dayanti, as reported by from Instagram @krisdayantilemos on Thursday night (22/8).
Next, she apologized to the party that supported her, PDIP struggle for the resignation. In addition, the mother of four children also apologized to Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri as the general chairperson and also the people of Batu City.
"I convey my deepest apologies to the PDI Perjuangan party, the general chairwoman and the people of Batu City," he added.
Previously, Anang Hermansyah's ex-wife received a letter of assignment from the party to run in the 2024 Batu City Pilkada. After receiving the support, Kris Dayanti immediately received instructions from her party to establish relationships with other parties. Moreover, at that time she had not yet found a deputy.
Kris Dayanti resigns
"The Chairwoman (Megawati Soekarnoputri) and the Chairwoman of the Indonesian House of Representatives (Puan Maharani) asked me to embrace all parties," he said after receiving a letter of recommendation at the East Java PDIP office in Surabaya, Tuesday (30/7).
The member of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 2019-2024 period felt grateful for the recommendation from the PDI Perjuangan as a potential candidate for Mayor of Batu, East Java. The pop diva from Malang stated that she had found "an elegant way home."
"Thank God, I never imagined God's plan for me. I also never thought that my life's journey would bring me back to Batu in such a special way, namely being nominated as a regional head candidate," said Kris Dayanti.
Kris Dayanti admitted that she received encouragement from many parties, including cadres and volunteers in Batu City. After considering many things, she decided to run in the 2024 Pilkada. This decision was taken after being declared defeated and unable to advance to Senayan as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
According to him, running as a mayoral candidate is a form of living life optimistically. Moreover, he is a PDIP cadre who is known as a fighter. Therefore, Kris Dayanti said that he must fight at any time.
Kris Dayanti resigns
"In life we must always be optimistic, because PDIP's DNA gene is warrior or fighter. We must fight at all times," he stressed.
Flood of support after stating not to run as Mayor of Batu
After declaring that she would not run in the 2024 Pilkada, Kris Dayanti actually received a lot of support from netizens. They said that it would be better for KD, as she is familiarly called, to focus on being a singer. Moreover, being a leader is synonymous with greed and thirst for power.
"An Indonesian diva who thinks with reason and conscience....keeping greed away is important...your golden voice is more awaited than unhealthy politics in this country," said the account @dewi19055.
"Yes, good decision, enjoy time with family, Mimi's achievements are already extraordinary," commented the account @nanikrubungatub08.
"It's better to be an artist, Ms. Peace and Peace," said the account @pinastipindaag.
"Just enjoy the happiness with your family and hold your grandchildren, Bund KD," commented the account @susie_suprapto.