- The closeness of Syifa Hadju and El Rumi is currently hotly discussed by netizens. Starting from rumors and compatibility made by netizens, it turns out that Syifa and El often spend time together.
However, unfortunately the spotlight on Syifa and El's new relationship did not receive a completely positive response. Their closeness was actually accompanied by unpleasant rumors.
As is known, before being close to El Rumi, Syifa was known to be dating Rizky Nazar. However, after 5 years of building a relationship, their romance ended.
This issue of separation was colored by rumors of an affair allegedly committed by Rizky Nazar. The names Salshabilla Adriani and Dosma Hazenbosch were once linked to Rizky.
Meanwhile, Syifa herself is thought to have really moved on from Rizky Nazar and dared to start a relationship with El Rumi. Syifa's close friends also seemed happy to see Syifa now being queened by Maia Estianty's second son.
Syifa Hadju was accused of having an affair with Nazar
But unfortunately there are those who comment negatively about Syifa and El's closeness. Seemingly moving on quickly, Syifa was even suspected of having an affair before actually ending her relationship with Rizky Nazar.
Responding to this, the soap opera star "Saleha" wrote a story in Exclusive content on his Instagram. Syifa feels that there are haters who have an opportunity to bring her down. Even so, he felt relaxed when he was accused of the words 'please start'.
"Xixixi, it's a pity that there are those who want to try to find a loophole, saying that if I've 'helped start' I'm just confident," wrote Syifa in her upload.
Syifa Hadju was accused of having an affair with Nazar
This woman, who was born on July 13 2000, believes that what we sow is what we will reap. Likewise with all the slander that is currently facing him.
"Basically, I really believe in 'what goes around comes around'," he stressed.
At the end of her story, Syifa confirmed that her current life is very happy. He considers the slander out there to be a field of reward for him.
"It's okay, at least I'm happy now, it's quite an added reward for getting new slander," he concluded.