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12 Mei 2024 12:00

A dozen years apart like sisters, 9 compact portraits of Ayudia in 'Love Ends Happily' and her mother

This mother and daughter also have similar styles that make them look like brothers. Ferra Listianti

Brilio.net - Love Ends Happy is one of the soap opera shows that is currently being loved by small screen viewers. Not only because the story is fresh, but also because of the acting skills of the players which makes this soap opera even more interesting to follow.

One of the players who also stole attention was Ayudia Larasati, played by Laura Moanne. In this soap opera, Laura is described as Adisty Putri's younger sister.

Laura Moane's beautiful face and appearance are an attraction for many people. Laura's beauty apparently was inherited from her mother, Citra Kristinna, who is also no less charming. Often uploading portraits of togetherness with Laura, many people are confused by the charm of the two of them. Not a few people say they are like brothers and sisters.

" Feels like a brother and sister, " said @squeekyara_

The following is a summary by brilio.net from Instagram @citra.kristinna80 on Saturday (11/5), a compact portrait of the actor Ayudia in 'Love Ends Happy' and her mother.

1. Laura Moane is the daughter of the late Harry Pat and Citra Kristinna. His father, a man of English descent, died in 2021.

2. Laura Moane inherited her beautiful and beautiful appearance from her Javanese mother. This mother and daughter are both blessed with charming looks.

3. Many are fascinated by the portraits of the two. In fact, quite a few people say that they are like brothers and sisters.

4. "You like lying, why are you saying it's a child," said one netizen, @fitroh_1992, who also commented on Citra's upload.

5. This mother and daughter also have similar styles which makes them look like brothers and sisters. Like during this holiday, Laura and Citra, who appeared in casual suits, both chose blonde hair dye.

6. Laura is not an only child. Citra has 3 children, two of whom are girls.

7. Even the age gap of dozens of years is not an excuse. Because, when mother and child are together, they are like besties.

8. Citra, who is busy as a notary, always supports her children. Including supporting Laura by accompanying her on filming.

9. Laura Moane's Eid celebration last year was so memorable because of her grandmother's presence. Netizens also praised the beauty of the three of them and called them the Barbie family.

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