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2 Juni 2024 12:05

9 Charms of Barbie Kumalasari from pre-wedding to marriage with her ex-husband, dressed in Minang clothes

When wearing traditional Minang clothing, Barbie Kumalasari looks stunning, looks elegant and beautiful. Syeny Wulandari

Brilio.net - Recently, Barbie Kumalasari has become a topic of conversation again. Not because it caused controversy, but because of the news of her marriage to Tri Mulyo Bagus Saputra. It turns out that Bagus is a familiar figure because he is known to be Barbie's second ex-husband.

Barbie Kumalasari's marriage to Bagus himself previously only lasted a short time before deciding to divorce and having their respective partners. However, now both of them have chosen to return to building a household together.

Their wedding was held on Friday (31/5) and was held simply in Bandung. One thing that has stolen the public's attention is Barbie's appearance. The reason is that from pre-wedding to reception, Barbie uses different concepts. What's even more interesting is that Barbie also wore traditional Minang wedding attire. As a result, the ART actor in the soap opera Bidadari is so beautiful and makes you wonder.

Curious as to what? The following is the review as summarized from Instagram @barbiekumalasari, Sunday (2/6).

1. This 42 year old woman had her pre-wedding in a photo studio. He wore a classic jarik cloth and kebaya.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

2. She looks like a princess with a white dress that hangs down.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

3. Barbie looks beautiful with bold makeup with nude lipstick that matches her white dress.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

4. At the wedding ceremony, Barbie looked elegant in a white kebaya with a crown on her head.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

5. At this special moment, Barbie perfected her appearance with gray contact lenses.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

6. Barbie replaced her strong outfit with Sundanese customs, complete with sewing on her bottoms.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

7. It doesn't stop there, Barbie looks so adorable wearing traditional Minang clothing complete with suntiang or head decoration.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

8. For upper clothing, Barbie chose a lace kebaya embroidered in maroon. Meanwhile, his subordinates wore songket with golden sequins.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

9. "Pangling... this is really good MUA makeup. Not a filter," praised one netizen when he saw Barbie's appearance in typical West Sumatran clothing.

Barbie Kumalasari pre-wedding to reception

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