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30 April 2024 06:25

7 Dangers of preservatives in packaged food for health, natural risk of heart problems

One of the main problems associated with this food preservative is the potential for heart problems. Brilio.net
7 Dangers of preservatives in packaged food for health, natural risk of heart problems HL: unsplash.com dan Twitter/@FavouriteItems

Brilio.net - The use of preservatives in packaged foods has become a common part of the modern food industry. However, there is increasing concern about the health impacts that may result from the use of these chemicals. Several studies have highlighted the potential dangers of food preservatives that contain certain chemicals, such as BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) and BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene). Use of these substances can increase the risk of heart problems and other health problems.

One of the main problems associated with this food preservative is the potential for heart problems. BHA and BHT, two chemicals often used as preservatives, have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular health problems. Animal studies show that BHA and BHT can increase blood cholesterol levels, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

Apart from heart health problems, certain food preservatives can also contribute to the risk of other health problems. For example, some studies have shown that consumption of BHA and BHT may be associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, although there are no definitive conclusions in this regard. However, the potential dangers of these chemicals highlight the importance of considering safer alternatives in food preservation.

To reduce the risk of health impacts that may be caused by food preservatives, preventive steps can be taken. One way is to choose foods that do not contain dangerous preservatives or switch to fresh foods that do not contain chemical additives. In addition, it is also important to read food labels carefully and avoid foods that have hard-to-pronounce or unfamiliar ingredient lists.

As concerns about dangerous food preservatives increase, it is important for consumers to pay attention and take appropriate action with the food they consume. This includes choosing foods carefully, avoiding harmful preservatives, and preferring healthy, natural foods. In this way, we can reduce the risk of negative impacts that may be caused by food preservatives in packaged foods.

Below you can see the dangers of preservatives in packaged food for health which have been reported by brilio.net from a summary of several sources to help you always be careful to protect yourself, Monday (29/4).

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1. Nutritional value in the body.

The nutritional value of the body is influenced by the food consumed. Many foods today use certain ingredients and methods to preserve them. However, this does not always improve conditions. In fact, in reality it is clearly the opposite. Some food preservation methods involve excessive heating or processing, such as high heating or drying. This method means that water-soluble vitamin C can be destroyed by high heat.

Additionally, curing with high heat can destroy beneficial microorganisms that are important for digestion and nutrient absorption. Meanwhile, drying can reduce the content of B complex vitamins and water-soluble minerals.

Second, food preservatives often use chemicals as the main mixture. Reacting chemicals can damage the nutrients in food. For example, using sulfides to preserve food can reduce the thiamine (vitamin B1) content.

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2. Decreased energy levels.

The use of certain preservatives can disrupt the nutritional balance in food. Some food preservatives contain chemicals that can affect the nutritional quality of food, such as vitamins and minerals. If these nutrients are disturbed, the body will lack important substances to produce energy.

In addition, certain food preservatives can also cause allergic reactions or food intolerance in some individuals. This can cause symptoms such as weakness, nausea, or indigestion, which can reduce energy and make a person feel sluggish.

Food preservatives can also cause a buildup of toxins in the body if consumed in excessive amounts. This toxin can disrupt the body's metabolism and cause a decrease in energy.

It is important to pay attention to the type of food preservatives used in the food products consumed and consume them wisely to maintain the body's nutritional and energy balance.

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3. Increases the chance of obesity

Synthetic preservatives, such as sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, have been linked to increased weight gain. These preservatives can disrupt the body's metabolism, which in turn can cause fat accumulation. Not only that, certain preservatives can affect a person's appetite. Some studies show that certain preservatives can stimulate appetite or make a person feel hungry more often, which can ultimately lead to excessive calorie consumption and weight gain.

Some food preservatives can disrupt the body's hormonal system, especially hormones involved in regulating body weight and metabolism, such as insulin and leptin. Disturbances in this hormone can cause fat accumulation and weight gain. Foods that contain preservatives tend to have low nutritional value and high calories. Excessive consumption of foods like these can lead to unbalanced calorie intake, which can ultimately contribute to obesity.

In addition, some have been known to affect the gut microbiota, which is a collection of bacteria that live in the intestines and play an important role in the body's metabolism. Disturbances in the gut microbiota can affect nutrient absorption and fat metabolism, which may contribute to increased body weight.

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4. Headache

Headaches after consuming food preservatives can occur for several reasons. One of them is an allergic reaction to certain preservatives, such as sulfates, which can cause symptoms such as headaches, sneezing and skin rashes. Additionally, food preservatives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) have been linked to headaches in some individuals who are sensitive to the substance.

MSG is known to cause a reaction known as "Chinese restaurant syndrome," which includes headaches, excessive sweating, and burning in the neck and chest.

Apart from allergic reactions or sensitivity to certain preservatives, headaches can also be caused by consuming foods that contain large amounts of preservatives. Certain preservatives, such as sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, if consumed in excessive amounts, can cause dilation of blood vessels which can trigger headaches.

In addition, food preservatives are also often associated with unhealthy processed foods, such as fast food, which can be another trigger for headaches.

photo: pixabay.com

5. Hyperactive behavior in children

Certain food preservatives, especially certain synthetic dyes and preservatives, have been linked to hyperactive behavioral tendencies in children. For example, food colorings such as tartrazine, which are often used in foods and drinks, have been linked to increased symptoms of hyperactivity in children who are sensitive to the substance.

Additionally, certain food preservatives, such as benzoates, sulfates, and nitrates, have also been linked to an increased risk of hyperactive behavior in children.

Although the relationship between food preservatives and hyperactive behavior is not fully understood, some research shows that chemicals in food preservatives can affect neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin, which play a role in regulating mood and behavior. Additionally, food preservatives can also cause allergic reactions or intolerance in children, which in turn can affect their behavior.

Therefore, it is important for parents to pay attention to the type of food their children consume and choose healthy and natural foods to reduce the risk of negative effects from food preservatives.

photo: unsplash.com

6. Triggers cancer

Some food preservatives contain nitrate and nitrite compounds, which can turn into nitrosamine compounds when exposed to high heat, such as during cooking or digestion in the body.

Nitrosamines are known to be carcinogenic compounds that can increase the risk of developing cancer, especially stomach, colon and other cancers. In addition, food preservatives can also contain other compounds such as benzoic acid and butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), which have been linked to an increased risk of cancer in some studies.

Therefore, it is important to consume foods containing preservatives wisely and choose fresh and natural foods as much as possible to reduce exposure to these potentially dangerous additives.

photo: Freepik.com

7. Tissue weakness can cause heart problems

Nitrate and nitrite compounds can damage blood vessel endothelial cells, which can disrupt the normal function of blood vessels and increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty plaque builds up on the walls of the arteries, which can cause narrowing of the arteries and restrict blood flow to the heart.

As a result, the heart has to work harder to pump blood, which can ultimately cause weakness in heart tissue and increase the risk of coronary heart disease and heart failure. Therefore, it is important to reduce consumption of foods that contain potentially dangerous preservatives to maintain heart health.

Intern: Robiul Adil Robani

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