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24 Mei 2016 12:59

5 Reasons why the poor need solar energy

Here are some reasons why solar energy can help eradicate poverty & enhance the wellbeing of the poor.
5 Reasons why the poor need solar energy

Brilio.net -Our planet is full of yet unharnessed energy. And its all around us, from the sunlight on our skin to the wind in our hair. And it's pretty much limitless. While some companies are working to dig up oil to fuel our modern lives, thereby destroying the environment, some others yet are using their energy and money to research methods of harnessing renewable energy that doesnt hurt the environment and works well in the long run.

Solar power especially is easy to harness for individual households and works well in all corners of the world. In addition to its amazing environmental benefits, there are serious benefits for lower income families from using renewable energy, and some even believe that access to solar energy could be the leading ey in bringing families out of poverty.

Below are five benefits for lower income families from using solar powered energy:

1. Longer study time for children.
Often there arent enough daylight hours for children to study. Especially those living in areas with inadequate access to a sustainable light source. From the time a student gets home from school, to the time the sun sets, may give them only 4-5 hours of sunlight, keeping in mind they also may want to play with friends, spend some time with family and engage in other social activities. Solar power lighting allows a student to study much later into the night, helping them improve their grades.

2. Increase household income.
Without access to electricity, individuals living in off grid communities are forced to end their work day once the sun goes down. Providing solar power lighting allows households to continue producing goods by extending their working hours, boosting productivity and increase household income.

3. Safer for families.
With little access to power millions of families resort to harmful petrol or kerosene lamps causing house fires. Many rural homes are made of bamboo fibers and wood, making the risk of house fires extremely high. By installing solar power home systems there is no chance of fire damage.

4. Better air quality.
Petrol and kerosene lamps emit dangerous fumes and contribute to respiratory illnesses, especially harmful for children living in the home. Solar power home systems emit no harmful toxins making it a safe alternative for families living without access to energy.

5. Quick access to power.
Building an entirely power plant for a rural community can take years to complete, while government run energy providers are unwilling to invest if rural communities due to the weak buying power of the local residents. Solar energy may be a relatively expensive alternative, at Azzura Solar we can install our solar power home system in a home within an hour, making access to energy extremely quick compared to alternatives.

Azzura Solar is an off grid solar power company aimed at providing rural communities with the necessary lighting systems they need. We work with leading manufacturing facilities to design, develop and distribute affordable solar systems, specially designed for underdeveloped areas.

By partnering with companies, charities and organisational CSR programs we have been able to install over 2,000 systems over 3 years. We also have an online fund raising platform for individuals.

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