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24 Desember 2015 10:19

5 Apps to improve your productivity in 2016

Here are five top apps that could help your scattered minds into a more productive year of 2016
5 Apps to improve your productivity in 2016 © 2015 headspace

Brilio.net/en - Hi scattered minds out there! Im your friend. Just like millions other millennial, my brain is literally working 24/7. Buzzing with new ideas, things to do and more often random thoughts that may or may not turn into a written article.

Its a blessing, really, to have that many ideas floating around. And to manage your blessings, here are five top apps that could help your scattered minds into a more productive year of 2016:

1. Todoist


A task management app, Todoist is an easy to use app to create a checklist for all your demanding tasks. With Todoist, you can upload ideas about tasks that need to be completed, adding key dates, labels, notes, comments and even project folders to make the task at hand easier to complete. The app is used by over 5 million people around the world and available for iOs and Android

2. Evernote


This is must have if you often found yourself attacked by creative ideas and have no pen to scribble it down!

The ultimate note-taking application, Evernote allows you to collect all your thoughts, ideas, meeting notes, lecture notes and so much more. Beyond that, it also allows you to capture articles, edit PDFs and even share your work with colleagues. It will definitely help boosting your productivity to have everything in one place!

Available for iOs and Android

3. Coffitivity


It goes without saying that the most productive place to write & create new project is in the coffee shops.

Research suggests that it may be more difficult to be productive in a totally noise-free space. This is why some people are in their creative element in the middle of bustling, chatter-filled coffee shops. Coffitivity offers just that. It gives you the soothing background noise of a coffee shop to start your brain flowing with creative juices.

4. Gojek


Everybodys favorite! This goes without saying. Gojek helps improve productivity for many professional workers especially in big cities. Not only it transports you faster to your important meetings while avoiding the traffic, it can also serves as your personal caretaker. Too busy to have lunch? Gojek is my ultimate savior to deliver my lunch on time. Productivity should never cost your personal health & wellbeing.

5. Headspace


Headspace is not exactly a productivity app. In fact, its meditation app. But how can a meditation app relate to productivity increase? Well, it actually really does.

Meditation has been proved to not only help reducing anxiety; it also helps to put things into perspective. It helps your mind to be in order and improve clarity. And once you have a clearer, ordered mind, you would be able to tackle any tasks & challenges given with top notch professionalism.

Contributor: Nadia Bintoro

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