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28 Desember 2024 19:11

2025 resolution not to be an old man? These 5 spices are the traditional mainstay for warding off colds

This combination of natural ingredients has been proven effective in maintaining body resistance and treating various minor health complaints. Ida Setyaningsih
2025 resolution not to be an old man? These 5 spices are the traditional mainstay for warding off colds foto: freepik

Brilio.net - Welcoming 2025, many of us have a resolution to live healthier and fitter. Of course, no one wants to be an "old man", right? This is a popular term for those who are often tired, have aches and pains, and catch colds easily. Nowadays, maintaining health is a challenge in itself, especially with a fast-paced lifestyle and high work demands.

Fortunately, Indonesia's heritage has provided a natural solution through the wealth of Indonesian spices. This local wisdom has stood the test of time and is further strengthened by various modern scientific studies that prove its health benefits.

photo: freepik

For centuries, our ancestors have used the properties of spices to maintain health. The combination of these natural ingredients has been proven effective in maintaining body immunity and treating various minor health complaints.

Come on, get to know the five main spices that are the mainstay for staying fit, as reviewed by brilio.net , Saturday (28/12).

1. Ginger

Ginger is known as a spice that not only warms the body but is also effective in overcoming nausea, bloating, and dizziness. The gingerol content in ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve various body discomforts. In addition, ginger also helps improve blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.

2. Mint leaves

In addition to providing a fresh sensation to the breath, mint leaves also help relieve bloating and anti-vomiting. The natural antimicrobials and menthol contained in it work effectively to smooth digestion and soothe a disturbed digestive tract. Mint leaves are also known to have a cooling effect that can help relieve headaches and provide a sense of relaxation to the body.

3. Fennel

Fennel is known as a spice that is useful for removing phlegm. It is known that fennel contains cineole and anethole which help soften phlegm and mucus, making it possible to remove phlegm easily.

4. Ules wood

Kayu ules may not be as popular as other spices, but it has extraordinary properties. This spice has long been believed to be a natural immune booster, helping the body fight various threats of disease.

5. Clove leaves

Clove leaves are rich in eugenol. This active component not only provides a distinctive aroma but also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and inflammation. Clove leaves are also known to help overcome respiratory problems and improve digestive function.

photo: Tolak Angin

Well, all of these good contents are now packaged in a modern form through Tolak Angin. This product combines all the benefits of these traditional spices in one practical formula. With modern technology combined with ancestral recipes, Tolak Angin presents the right solution for today's lifestyle.

For those of you who want to avoid the nickname "old man" in 2025, Tolak Angin is here as a natural solution to ward off colds, fatigue, lack of sleep, nausea, dizziness, stomach ache, and even motion sickness.

Tolak Angin is safe for daily consumption because it has passed toxicity tests, efficacy tests and 5 stages of quality control . By consuming Tolak Angin regularly, you can stay active and productive in carrying out various daily activities without worrying about catching a cold.

Don't let colds get in the way of your healthy resolutions in 2025. Come on, choose Tolak Angin, a traditional herbal that is always ready to accompany the active generation to stay fit and not easily fall! With Tolak Angin, you can live 2025 with enthusiasm and positive energy, ready to face all the challenges that exist.

Tolak Angin products can be found anywhere and are easy to find, such as through the nearest modern pharmacy, or official e-commerce and Official Stores on the Tokopedia, Shopee, Blibli, Bukalapak, and Lazada marketplaces.

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