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3 Januari 2025 19:30

Yellow stains disappear instantly and leave nothing behind, this is how to remove tartar using only 1 natural ingredient

Tartar itself is formed from the buildup of plaque. Syeny Wulandari
Yellow stains disappear instantly and leave nothing behind, this is how to remove tartar using only 1 natural ingredient

Brilio.net - Taking care of dental health and hygiene is often considered trivial by many people. In fact, this habit is very important to prevent various oral health problems, one of which is tartar.

Tartar itself is formed from the accumulation of plaque, bacteria, and food debris that hardens on the surface of the teeth. In addition to disturbing the appearance, tartar can also cause bad breath, tooth decay, gingivitis, and serious infections.

Usually, people choose to go to the dentist to clean tartar. However, not everyone routinely does this treatment. As an alternative, you can try natural ingredients that are easy to find, one of which is coconut oil.

Coconut oil contains lauric acid which can reduce the buildup of bacteria and plaque on teeth. The antimicrobial content in it is also effective in treating inflammation and maintaining oral health. In addition, its natural cleaning properties can help remove plaque while maintaining moisture in teeth and gums.

This technique known as oil pulling can be a practical solution to maintain dental health. Simply use coconut oil as a mouthwash for 10-15 minutes every morning before brushing your teeth. By doing this regularly, your dental and oral health will be better maintained, and the risk of problems such as tartar can be minimized.

So, are you interested in cleaning tartar from these natural ingredients? Let's take a look at the information shared by YouTube user The Yoga Institute, Friday (3/1).

So, are you interested in cleaning tartar from these natural ingredients? Let's take a look at the information shared by YouTube user The Yoga Institute, Tuesday (4/7).


photo: YouTube/The Yoga Institute

1. Oil pulling (coconut oil).

How to use it:

photo: YouTube/The Yoga Institute

1. Take about one tablespoon of coconut oil.
2. Then put it in your mouth.
3. Gargle for about five to 10 minutes.
4. Spit it out and rinse again with plain water.

By using this method, the yellow tartar will slowly disappear. So, to make the tartar fall off and not leave any residue, use this trick three times a week.

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