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14 Februari 2024 10:45

Without special products, this middle-aged woman's way of dealing with black eye bags only uses 1 type of tuber

These black eye bags are usually experienced by older people. Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@rajiosahn

Brilio.net - There are various eye problems that can be quite disturbing to comfort and appearance . These include puffy, swollen eyes, dark circles or panda eyes, and eye bags. Everyone can experience various eye problems, both men and women. Even from young to old.

Eye bags are one of the most common eye area problems experienced. Moreover, if the eye bags are accompanied by blackness, it will make the face look dull and tired. These black eye bags are usually experienced by older people. However, it does not rule out the possibility that this skin problem in the eye area also occurs at a young age.

Black eye bags are caused by several factors, such as lack of sleep, excessive sun exposure, using gadgets for too long, fatigue, an unhealthy lifestyle, and aging. This is because aging causes the amount of collagen in the skin around the eyes to decrease, so that the eyelids appear saggy.

Meanwhile, black eye bags occur due to the skin pigmentation process caused by excessive sun exposure or poor blood circulation. If this problem continues, the skin in the eye area will be susceptible to aging, such as the appearance of fine lines. So, to overcome this condition, many people use special skincare products that are formulated to treat black eye bags. Such as eye patches, eye cream, and eye masks.

But unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for using the products sold on the market. Some actually experience skin irritation due to the chemical content in it. Another solution, you can use natural ingredients to treat black eye bags. As shared by a middle-aged woman via her personal TikTok account @rajiosahn on July 2 2022. In the 13 second video, the woman uses 1 type of tuber to treat black eye bags. The tuber in question is potato.

photo: freepik.com

"Try this! It works but you've got to do it daily to see the results! (Try this! It works but you have to do it every day to see the results!)," said the middle-aged woman in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @rajiosahn, Tuesday (13/2).

Ingredients and benefits of potatoes for treating black eye bags.

As is known, potatoes are a natural ingredient that is high in carbohydrates and is often used as a substitute for rice. These tubers, which are also rich in vitamins, are good for health, but you can also use potatoes to treat black eye bags, you know. The vitamin C content in potatoes is believed to reduce and fade the appearance of black eye bags.

This is thanks to the content of vitamins A, B-complex, C, niacin, antioxidants, and folic acid. The vitamin C content in it is useful for making the skin look healthier and firmer. The vitamin C in it is also effective in brightening dark eye bags. Apart from that, its antioxidant content can also help speed up the regeneration of new skin cells.

photo: TikTok/@rajiosahn

After knowing the benefits of the ingredients that will be used, now is the time for you to look at how to use potatoes to treat black eye bags below.


- 1 potato

How to use:

1. Wash the potatoes until clean
2. Slice the potatoes into smaller pieces (do it thinly)
3. Wash your face first to remove dirt and remaining makeup that is still attached
4. Place the potato flesh on the area under your eyes or the part of your face where there are black eye bags
5. Leave it for 20 minutes then massage gently
6. Rinse using water until clean
7. Continue using moisturizer
8. Do this regularly every night before going to bed to get a face free of black eye bags.

photo: TikTok/@rajiosahn

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