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14 Februari 2024 20:24

Without rice water, this trick for whitening a face full of black spots only uses 1 fruit extract

Apart from using rice water, you can also try using other natural ingredients as a cheap alternative solution Ardho Aflyandri
foto: Instagram/@beautywithfarhat

Brilio.net - Sun exposure and pollution are one of the consequences that must be faced as a person's activity increases. Yes, sunlight is known to have benefits in stimulating the formation of vitamin D in the skin to maintain healthy bones and the immune system.

However, sunlight and pollution are also the main causes of skin problems, especially making skin discolored. The term mottled skin describes a condition where the skin color in certain areas becomes uneven with the overall skin color.

The appearance of striped skin problems is actually caused by hyperpigmentation , or excessive accumulation of colored pigment in the relevant skin area. This hyperpigmentation not only makes the skin tone uneven, but is also often accompanied by the appearance of black spots such as black spots and acne scars.

Black spots usually appear on the face in the form of spots to dark spots of varying sizes. The appearance of these spots is greatly influenced by the amount of UV exposure the skin receives from the sun.

UVB waves in sunlight can stimulate melanocyte cells in the skin to produce melanin (skin color pigment) faster than usual. This drastically increased amount of melanin then appears on the face in the form of black spots on the skin.

Meanwhile, black spots can also be caused by acne. Acne is known to leave blackish brown marks on the skin, known in medical terms as PIH (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation).

Cases where acne can leave scars can occur because the inflammatory process of acne can damage skin tissue. New skin cells that then grow to repair this damage can contain excess melanin, which can lead to dark spots on the skin .

To overcome this skin problem, you don't need to be confused. Apart from using rice water, you can also try using other natural ingredients as a cheap alternative solution to brighten your face again from annoying black spots.

One way is to use a mixture of tomatoes with rose water and aloe vera gel, as shown by @beautywithfarhat on Instagram, reported by briliobeauty.net on Wednesday (14/2).

Why are tomatoes effective in treating blemishes on the skin?

photo: freepik.com

Adapted from the Purple page, tomatoes are a fruit that is rich in lycopene and vitamins. Lycopene is a compound with strong antioxidant properties that can fight the negative effects of free radicals and sunlight, so it can help reduce melanin production which causes dark spots.

Apart from that, tomatoes are also a fruit full of vitamins A and C which are known to effectively help stimulate collagen production while regenerating the skin, so that it can make the face bright and free of black spots in the process.

What are the functions of rose water and aloe vera in this concoction?

photo: freepik.com

Meanwhile, the water extracted from roses contains many vitamin components and essential fatty acids. Vitamin E, for example, has antioxidant properties that are effective in fighting free radicals and preventing premature aging.

On the other hand, the vitamin A compound in it can help stimulate skin cell regeneration. Not only that, the vitamin C in roses can also help brighten the skin by reducing melanin production in the skin. This allows roses to gradually brighten the skin well.

photo: freepik.com

Aloe vera itself is a plant that is widely known because of the properties of the gel in it which is good for caring for the skin. Reporting from the PSRI Hospital website, aloe vera gel contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help relieve inflammation, refresh the skin and provide a brightening effect. Aloe vera also helps nourish and maintain skin moisture without leaving a sticky feeling, so it is comfortable to use on the skin.

You can use the three ingredients above in the following way.

Tools and materials:

1. 1 tablespoon rose water
2. 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel
3. 1 fresh tomato
4. Blender
5. Small container

Working steps:

photo: Instagram/@beautywithfarhat

1. Cut 1 fresh tomato, then puree it with a blender.
2. Strain the tomato extract, then put a little into a small container.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and rose water afterwards.
4. Stir all the ingredients until the consistency is even.
5. Apply this mixture as a mask on a face that has been thoroughly cleaned.
6. Do this for 5 minutes, then let it sit until it absorbs for approximately 2 hours.
7. If it is sufficient, rinse the remaining mixture with water until it is clean of any remaining residue.
8. Use regularly to get bright facial results from black spots.

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