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7 Maret 2024 18:14

Without expensive lasers, according to this doctor, how to treat rashes on your face only requires 1 type of herbal plant

Breakouts are caused by many factors, one of which is sweat. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com; YouTube/Saddam Ismail

Brilio.net - A smooth face is indeed a blessing, but getting a smooth face is not easy. Sometimes facial skin actually feels rough or uneven. One of the causes of rough facial skin is acne. Breakouts or sandy acne are a type of acne characterized by small pimples that usually appear at the same time.

This type of acne will feel rough when touched, so some people become less confident with the appearance of their face. Rashes most often appear on the skin of the upper arms and thighs, but can also appear on the face. On the face, these small, prominent pimples usually appear in the T-zone area which is often oily, such as the forehead, nose and chin.

Breakouts are caused by many factors, ranging from sweat, allergies, obesity, acne, stress, to consumption of certain medications. Hormonal changes can also trigger the appearance of this skin condition. Breakouts most often occur in children and teenagers because their hormonal changes are not yet stable.

Rashes are actually not a dangerous condition and can disappear by themselves. However, these small lumps can certainly disturb your appearance, especially if they appear on your face. But there's no need to worry, because you can overcome rashes in various ways. Such as undergoing treatment at a beauty clinic, using skincare products, or using natural ingredients.

One facial treatment that can be done to remove rashes is facial laser. Laser treatment itself is a medical treatment that uses light energy to treat various skin problems, including facial acne. Laser light can stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and clean skin pores clogged with oil.

This method is indeed effective for dealing with rashes on the face, but the relatively expensive price makes it difficult for most people to carry out this treatment. Well, another solution you can use is natural ingredients.

As shared by a doctor via his personal YouTube account, Saddam Ismail, on October 23 2021. In the 6 minute 12 second video, the doctor appears to share how to treat rashes on the face by using 1 type of herbal plant. The herbal plant in question is aloe vera gel.

"HOW TO GET RID OF BRUSH ON THE FACE - DOCTOR SADDAM ISMAIL," wrote the doctor in the description of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from Saddam Ismail's YouTube account, Thursday (7/3).

photo: freepik.com

Ingredients and benefits of aloe vera for treating acne.

Aloe vera contains gibberellins and polycharides which can help lock in skin moisture. The polysaccharides in aloe vera are also effective in stimulating fibroblasts, namely skin components that play a role in stimulating collagen and elastin fibers to make the skin more elastic. In fact, polysaccharides and gibberellins also act as antibacterials to fight acne-causing bacteria, one of which is acne.

These two ingredients will help remove excess oil, remove dead skin cells and bacteria that clog pores. In addition, aloe vera also has natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help reduce redness, inflammation, irritation and pain associated with rashes and acne.

Reporting from Healthline, aloe vera contains vitamins A, E and C which can play an important role in preventing free radicals due to exposure to smoke and air pollution on the face. Well, this content is also effective in preventing the growth of bacteria that cause acne.

"This gel (aloe vera) can be used to remove breakouts on the face, moisturize the face. Because it contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which can overcome inflammation caused by breakouts or sandy acne," said the doctor.

photo: YouTube/Saddam Ismail

After knowing the benefits of the ingredients to be used, now is the time for you to pay attention to how to use them below.


- Fresh aloe vera

How to use:

1. Soak the aloe vera in water for a few minutes to remove the sticky sap and dirt
2. Peel the aloe vera then take only the middle gel part
3. Puree the aloe vera gel using a blender until it is completely smooth
4. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and remaining makeup
5. Apply aloe vera gel to your face thoroughly
6. Leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse until clean
7. Do this method regularly every day to get a smooth, streak-free face.

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