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13 April 2024 23:00

Without coconut milk, this beauty blogger shows how to overcome dry hair using 1 type of protein source

Not many people know that the natural ingredients used can treat dry hair Devi Aristyaputri
Without coconut milk, this beauty blogger shows how to overcome dry hair using 1 type of protein source foto: YouTube/@healthykitchenwithnoshi

Brilio.net - Hair is a natural crown that makes you always look beautiful and confident in front of many people. However, it is a shame that this hair crown is not always in a healthy and shiny condition. Occasionally, hair experiences problems such as dryness and loss. Maybe this condition of dry hair can disturb a person's appearance because it looks tangled and dull.

Dry hair can occur due to several factors. The most common experience experienced by many people is the use of hair dye and bleaching too often. You need to know that both hair care products contain harsh chemicals, which can damage the hair structure and make it dry.

Apart from that, excessive use of heating tools such as hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons can remove natural moisture from the hair. This habit causes hair to become brittle and leads to dryness.

So that your hair becomes healthy again, the main key is to maintain good moisture. You can get this hair moisture by carrying out natural treatments. Like beauty vlogger @healthykitchenwithnoshi did.

In uploading a video on the YouTube channel, he uses eggs, coffee grounds and aloe vera gel. Eggs contain high protein which helps repair and strengthen brittle and dry hair strands.

Meanwhile, egg yolk contains vitamin A, vitamin E and selenium which play a role in maintaining healthy hair. The fat content in eggs can moisturize dry hair and make it shiny.

The caffeine in coffee grounds can help increase blood circulation in the scalp, which helps minimize dryness and stimulates new hair growth. Coffee grounds contain antioxidants which can help reduce hair loss, keeping hair strong and healthy. The antioxidant content can also provide natural shine to hair.

Aloe vera gel contains a lot of water, which provides natural moisture to dry hair and keeps it hydrated. The anti-inflammatory content in aloe vera can help reduce inflammation on the scalp, reducing dandruff and irritation. Aloe vera has healing properties that help refresh the scalp and promote healthy hair growth.

Those are the benefits of a number of ingredients that you can get. So how do you make a mask to treat dry hair? For those of you who are curious, let's look at the information below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from the YouTube channel @healthykitchenwithnoshi, Saturday (13/4).


photo: YouTube/@healthykitchenwithnoshi

- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon coffee powder
- 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.

How to make:

photo: YouTube/@healthykitchenwithnoshi

1. Prepare a blender
2. Put the eggs into the blender
3. Mix in the coffee grounds
4. Pour in aloe vera gel
5. Blend all ingredients until evenly mixed
6. Pour into a bowl
7. Natural masks are ready for you to use.

How to make:

photo: YouTube/@healthykitchenwithnoshi

1. Part your hair into several sections
2. Apply the mask all over your hair
3. Wait for 30 minutes
4. Rinse the hair mask with water and shampoo
5. Dry your hair using a towel
6. Repeat the use of this mask regularly to get soft and healthy hair.

Can coffee grounds treat dandruff?

Apart from being delicious to drink, coffee grounds have other benefits, namely maintaining healthy hair. One of them is removing dandruff from the scalp.

Coffee grounds contain powerful antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid, which can help fight free radicals and inflammation on the scalp. These antioxidants help reduce irritation and inflammation that can cause dandruff.

Reporting from healthshots.com, Tuesday (9/4) coffee grounds have mild exfoliating properties which can help remove dead skin cells from the scalp. So it is claimed to help prevent blockage of hair follicles and reduce dandruff caused by dry scalp.

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