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4 Januari 2025 23:56

Without buying powdered collagen, this way to overcome sagging and quickly wrinkled skin only uses 1 type of tuber

You can make your own collagen drink using only natural ingredients. Anindya Kurnia
Without buying powdered collagen, this way to overcome sagging and quickly wrinkled skin only uses 1 type of tuber foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Over time, the skin will experience various natural changes. One of them is a decrease in elasticity that causes the skin to sag and wrinkle quickly. One of the main causes is the reduced production of collagen and elastin, two important proteins that provide strength and elasticity to the skin.

As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, which causes our skin to lose its elasticity and suppleness, making it more prone to wrinkles. In addition to age, sun exposure is also a major cause of skin sagging and wrinkling.

UV rays can damage collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, which speeds up the aging process. Therefore, it is not uncommon for people who are exposed to the sun a lot, such as outdoor workers or outdoor sports enthusiasts, to experience more wrinkles.

Lifestyle factors also play a significant role in skin health. Smoking, for example, can accelerate skin aging by damaging the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Lack of sleep and prolonged stress can also contribute to skin deterioration.

Not only that, lack of adequate hydration in the body and skin is also one of the main causes of sagging skin, because dehydrated skin becomes more easily wrinkled. To overcome this condition, most people will buy powdered collagen products on the market. In fact, you can make your own collagen drink just by using natural ingredients .

photo: TikTok/@fitsehat

Like the upload shared by a TikTok user with the account name @fitsehat. Through his upload, the account owner actually uses 1 type of tuber to overcome sagging and quickly wrinkled skin. The tuber in question is carrots.

Not only that, he also added squeezed orange and honey, you know. Here's how to make it, which briliobeauty.net has launched on Saturday (4/1).


- 1 carrot
- Sufficient boiled water
- 1/2 squeezed orange
- 1 tablespoon honey (optional, as a sweetener)

photo: TikTok/@fitsehat

How to make:

1. Peel the carrots from their skin.
2. Slice into smaller pieces
3. Put it in a blender and add boiled water
4. Blend the carrots until completely smooth.
5. Strain the blended carrots and take only the water.
6. Pour into a glass and add squeezed orange juice and honey.
7. Stir until evenly mixed.
8. Collagen drink is ready to consume
9. You can consume this collagen drink regularly every day to get firm and youthful skin.

photo: TikTok/@fitsehat

Contains carrots to treat skin aging.

Carrots can overcome skin aging because of their nutrient content which is rich in antioxidants, especially beta-carotene, which is a form of provitamin A. Beta-carotene functions as a powerful antioxidant, to fight damage caused by free radicals which accelerate skin aging.

In addition, vitamin A produced from beta-carotene helps repair damaged skin cells and promotes skin regeneration, making the skin appear smoother and brighter. Carrots also contain vitamin C, which supports collagen production and helps maintain skin firmness.

Benefits of squeezed orange to maintain skin firmness.

Orange juice can maintain skin firmness because of its very high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is one of the most effective antioxidants in fighting skin damage caused by free radicals, and helps stimulate collagen production.

By consuming squeezed oranges regularly, the body can get the dose of vitamin C needed to support collagen synthesis, keeping the skin firm, elastic, and looking younger.

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