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31 Mei 2024 12:10

Without buying mouthwash, here's a trick to overcome bad breath, just use betel leaves mixed with 1 kitchen ingredient

This natural mouthwash is effective in treating the growth of bacteria that cause oral problems. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Yellow teeth, tartar teeth, gingivitis, dental caries, and even bad breath are some of the dental and oral problems that are quite disturbing for the sufferer's comfort. Moreover, quite a few people are not aware that they have bad breath.

Even though you have an attractive appearance, having bad breath can reduce your self-confidence. One of these oral problems is known as halitosis. This condition is generally caused by the habit of rarely brushing your teeth and lack of oral hygiene.

Reporting from Healthline, bad breath is generally caused by bacteria that grow due to food scraps stuck in the teeth. The remaining food then releases foul-smelling sulfur compounds. Well, it is this sulfur compound that has been making your breath smell bad.

If left unchecked, the bacteria that cause bad breath will multiply, forming plaque and producing stubborn tartar. Not only that, the bacteria that continue to grow can also make the gums susceptible to infection and cause toothache and gum inflammation.

Therefore, regularly cleaning your teeth is very important to maintain oral health and hygiene. Apart from not maintaining oral hygiene, it turns out that bad breath can also be caused by several factors, such as smoking habits, eating strong-smelling foods, and digestive diseases.

To overcome this, quite a few people use mouthwash as an effort to reduce unpleasant breath odor. This method is indeed effective, but it turns out there is a method that is no less effective without buying mouthwash, you know. This way you only need natural ingredients.

Like the upload shared by the TikTok account @zuriaty_musa. In the video, he only uses betel leaves mixed with 1 kitchen ingredient in the form of salt.

photo: TikTok/@zuriaty_musa

Contains betel leaves to eliminate bad breath.

It turns out that betel leaves can maintain healthy teeth and mouth, you know. Reporting from Healthline, betel leaves contain phyto-chemical compounds, namely alkaloids, saponins, tannins and flavonoids. Thanks to these contents, betel leaves are useful for warding off free radicals.

Not only that, betel leaves also contain essential oils which are antibacterial and antiseptic which can overcome bad breath. It also contains the substance allylpyrocatechol (APC) which can inhibit bacteria that cause bad breath. These herbal leaves can also reduce the risk of dental caries forming.

The benefits of salt to prevent bad breath.

Salt contains natural antimicrobials that can get rid of bacteria that cause bad breath. Not only that, salt is also effective in eroding plaque and removing tartar, which is one of the causes of bad breath. Even this kitchen ingredient that gives a salty taste is also effective in preventing the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

photo: TikTok/@zuriaty_musa

Just by relying on these two ingredients, you can make a mouthwash that is claimed to be effective in treating bad breath. Not only that, this natural mouthwash is also effective in treating the growth of bacteria that cause other oral problems. Come on, see how to make and use it below, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @zuriaty_musa, Friday (31/5).


- Several betel leaves
- A pinch of salt
- 1 cup hot water

How to create and use:

1. Wash the betel leaves until clean.
2. Slice into smaller pieces.
3. Put it in a container then add hot water.
4. Close the container and let the betel leaves soak in hot water.

photo: TikTok/@zuriaty_musa

5. Leave it until the water turns luke warm.
6. Furthermore, add salt and stir until the salt dissolves.
7. Use it to rinse your mouth every day after brushing your teeth to get fresh breath free of bad breath.

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