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20 Juni 2024 12:10

Without buying expensive products, this girl uploaded how to make mouthwash to overcome mouth odor using 2 kitchen spices

If left unchecked, the bacteria that cause bad breath will multiply more and more. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Even though you have an attractive appearance, having bad breath can reduce your self-confidence. One of these oral problems is known as halitosis. This problem is usually caused by the habit of rarely brushing your teeth and lack of oral hygiene.

Reporting from Healthline, bad breath is caused by bacteria that grow due to food scraps stuck in the teeth. So, this leftover food will become plaque and tartar which is difficult to remove. The remaining food then releases foul-smelling sulfur compounds.

If left unchecked, the bacteria that cause bad breath will multiply more and more. Not only that, the bacteria that continue to grow can also make the gums susceptible to infection and cause toothache and gum inflammation. This condition will usually make the teeth bleed easily and feel painful.

Therefore, regularly cleaning your teeth is important to maintain oral health and hygiene. However, it turns out that bad breath can also be caused by several factors, such as smoking habits, eating strong-smelling foods, and digestive diseases.

So, if you are one of the people who experiences this condition, there is no need to worry. You can overcome this by using mouthwash. No need to buy expensive products, because you can make them yourself with more economical kitchen ingredients, you know. Like the upload shared by a girl with the TikTok account @megalaiiyarkailegacy.

photo: TikTok/@megalaiiyarkailegacy

Through his upload, he made a natural mouthwash with 2 types of spices. Namely cinnamon and cloves. Here's how to make and use it, which was reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @megalaiiyarkailegacy, Thursday (20/6).


- 3 cinnamon sticks
- 1 tablespoon cloves
- 1 cup hot water

photo: TikTok/@megalaiiyarkailegacy

How to create and use:

1. Put the cinnamon and cloves in a glass container
2. Add hot water then cover the container and let it sit overnight
3. After overnight and the water turns black, strain and just take the water
4. Transfer it to a spray bottle to make it easier to use
5. Use every day after brushing your teeth to rinse your mouth
6. Do it regularly to get fresher, odor-free breath.

photo: TikTok/@megalaiiyarkailegacy

Cinnamon contains to overcome bad breath.

Cinnamon is claimed to be able to prevent the formation of dental plaque, tartar, cure canker sores, and prevent unpleasant breath odor. This is because this spice has several ingredients, including tannin, eugenol and coumarin. Thanks to these contents, cinnamon can maintain oral and dental health.

The benefits of cloves to freshen the mouth.

Cloves have been used as a spice as well as herbal medicine. The antifungal, antiseptic and antibacterial properties in it are useful for reducing bacteria and fungi which can cause various health problems and also bad breath. The fresh aroma can also make the mouth free from unpleasant odors.

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