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29 Maret 2024 20:25

Without antiaging serum, this way to make your face glow and firm like a woman only uses 3 kitchen ingredients

Entering the age of 30 years and over, skin aging begins to look like wrinkles, fine lines, wrinkles, dull skin, and a sagging face. Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@haleemahimi

Brilio.net - Having a glowing face and staying youthful is still a dream for most people, especially women. So it's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to get a face that remains firm and glowing even though they are old.

But unfortunately, getting your dream face is not easy. The reason is that age and various external factors will actually make the face look dull and various signs of aging appear.

Usually at the age of 30 years and over various signs of skin aging will begin to appear. Such as wrinkles, fine lines, wrinkles, dull skin, and a face that is starting to sag. Meanwhile, external factors that also cause signs of aging to appear and the face to lose its natural glow are excessive exposure to sunlight, pollution, weather, and unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and not taking good care of the face.

Some of these factors will damage the collagen and elastin components in skin tissue, making the skin susceptible to damage and sagging. Moreover, as we age, skin regeneration will also slow down and the skin will have difficulty repairing itself. This also causes the face to look dull and lose its natural glow.

The presence of various signs of skin aging and a face that looks dull is quite disturbing. But there's no need to worry, because you can overcome it in various ways. Starting from having treatments at beauty clinics, using skincare products, to using natural ingredients for facial care. One skincare product commonly used to treat this condition is antiaging serum.

This is because antiaging serums generally contain various active ingredients which act as collagen boosters, moisturizers and brighteners which are effective in treating various signs of aging. But unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for using antiaging serums on the market. Apart from the relatively expensive price, antiaging serums on the market can sometimes irritate the skin because their active content is too high.

Another solution, you can use natural ingredients. As shared by a woman via her personal TikTok account @haleemahimi on March 13 2024, which contains how to make your face glow and firm using only 3 kitchen ingredients. The kitchen ingredients in question are rice flour, honey or aloe vera gel, and liquid milk.

"For Glowy skin," wrote the woman in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @haleemahimi, Friday (29/3).

3 kitchen ingredients make your face glowing and firm

Contains rice flour to make your face firm and glowing.

Rice flour is a natural ingredient that is usually used as the main ingredient for making cakes or snacks. Apart from that, it turns out that ingredients derived from rice can also help maintain skin health and beauty, one of which is treating skin aging. This is because rice flour can stimulate collagen production which helps tighten the skin thanks to the antioxidant content in it. Rice flour can also act as a natural exfoliator which can brighten black spots and even out dull skin tone.

The benefits of honey for treating sagging and dull faces.

As a natural sweetener that is believed to be able to moisturize the skin, honey also contains vitamin C, vitamin E and flavonoid antioxidants in it. This content can be used as an effective facial exfoliant to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the formation of new, healthier skin cells. Regular use as a facial mask will prevent the appearance of signs of premature aging on the face, such as fine lines or wrinkles. Not only that, honey also acts as an effective emollient to keep skin supple and glowing.

Milk can make your face youthful and naturally glowing.

You can use milk to treat a dull face and various signs of skin aging. Reporting from the Healthline page, milk is rich in vitamins such as vitamins A and D, as well as lactic acid. Well, the lactic acid content in milk is believed to have benefits for brightening the skin. Even the antioxidant content in it is also able to improve the condition of the skin, making it look youthful. It's not surprising that many skincare products use milk as the main ingredient.

After knowing the benefits of each ingredient that will be used, now is the time for you to see how to make a facial mask which is believed to be able to tighten your face, make it brighter and glowing, and stay youthful. Here's how to make and use it.

3 kitchen ingredients make your face glowing and firm


- 2 tablespoons rice flour
- 1 tablespoon honey or aloe vera gel
- Enough liquid milk (make sure it's pure milk, OK)

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir the two until evenly mixed and the texture is soft like pasta
3. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and makeup residue
4. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly
5. Leave it for 20 minutes
6. Rinse using water until clean
7. Continue using moisturizer
8. Do this regularly twice a week to get a glowing and youthful face.

3 kitchen ingredients make your face glowing and firm

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