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4 Maret 2024 13:12

Without antiaging cream, Pakistani women's way of dealing with wrinkles and sagging faces only uses 3 kitchen ingredients

The secret of beautiful Pakistani women to have a firm face using only three kitchen ingredients Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@palwashaabbasi

Brilio.net - Various signs of aging usually appear when a person reaches the age of 30 years and over. At this age, not only gray hair starts to appear, but you will also start to experience signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and even black spots.

Not without reason, the appearance of signs of skin aging is caused by decreased levels of collagen and elastin in the skin. This condition causes a decrease in the skin's ability to maintain its firmness and suppleness.

The face is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body and experiences aging quickly. This is because the face has thin skin and is more often exposed to free radicals.

The free radicals in question are excessive sun exposure, pollution, weather changes, dry skin, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Well, some of these free radicals will damage collagen tissue and slow down skin regeneration.

If skin regeneration is hampered, it will also be difficult to replace new skin cells. This is also the cause of premature aging.

This condition is quite disturbing to one's appearance and reduces a person's self-confidence. Therefore, many are looking for ways to treat signs of aging on their faces, such as wrinkles and sagging skin.

One of the most frequently used efforts is to use antiaging cream. Antiaging cream itself is a special skincare product which is formulated to tighten the skin and prevent various signs of aging.

Using antiaging cream is indeed effective. However, not everyone is suitable for antiaging creams sold on the market because the active ingredients in them sometimes actually irritate the face.

Another solution, you can use natural ingredients to treat facial wrinkles and sagging. As shared by a Pakistani woman via her personal TikTok account @palwashaabbasi on February 9, 2022.

In the video, the Pakistani woman shares how to treat wrinkles and sagging face using only 3 kitchen ingredients. The kitchen ingredients in question are yoghurt, eggs and turmeric powder.

"Face mask remedy for glowing & tight skin (Facial mask treatment for radiant & tight skin)," he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @palwashaabbasi, Monday (4/3).

photo: freepik.com

Ingredients and benefits of yoghurt for aging skin

Yoghurt is a dairy product that can be used to treat aging skin, such as facial wrinkles and sagging. This natural ingredient is enriched with vitamins and minerals that are often used in many skin care products, including zinc, vitamin B, calcium and lactic acid. Its lactic acid content is also an ingredient that is often used in many antiaging and skin lightening skin care products.

Why can eggs overcome wrinkles and sagging faces?

As is known, eggs are a natural source of protein which has various health benefits. However, this natural ingredient is also effective in treating various skin problems. Such as dull skin and the appearance of signs of aging. The protein in eggs helps keep skin cells healthy and makes skin look more glowing.

Apart from that, the vitamin and mineral content in eggs can also reduce the appearance of enlarged facial skin pores. Even regular use of egg masks is believed to prevent hyperpigmentation and aging of the skin. Vitamin A in egg whites is very effective in reducing wrinkles on the face and reducing fine lines, and can prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

The antioxidant and curcumin content in turmeric can treat aging on the face

This yellow kitchen spice called turmeric has various benefits for skin beauty. According to Healthline, the benefits of turmeric are due to the bioactive component curcumin contained in it. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Well, the curcumin and antioxidant content in it is able to treat and reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face. Not only that, the curcumin in it will also help stimulate collagen formation and make loose skin firmer.

With just these three ingredients, you can make a face mask that is believed to be able to treat wrinkles and sagging face. Regular use will also make your face glow naturally. Come on, see how to make and use it.

photo: TikTok/@palwashaabbasi


- 2 tablespoons yoghurt
- 1 egg
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed
3. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and makeup residue
4. Apply the mask to the face and neck thoroughly

photo: TikTok/@palwashaabbasi

5. Leave it until dry or around 20-25 minutes
6. Rinse using warm water until clean
7. Continue using your mainstay moisturizer
8. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a firm and youthful face.

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