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14 Maret 2024 07:00

Without adding henna, this doctor's way to reduce the growth of gray hair only uses 1 piece of kitchen waste

The antioxidant content in kitchen waste is effective in nourishing the hair and scalp so that gray hair growth can be prevented. Anindya Kurnia
Without adding henna, this doctor's way to reduce the growth of gray hair only uses 1 piece of kitchen waste foto: freepik.com; YouTube/Saddam Ismail

Brilio.net - Apart from the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, another sign of aging that accompanies it is gray hair. Gray hair is a condition that occurs when the strands of hair that grow have a grayish white color. Usually this will be experienced by someone aged 30 years and over, and more and more as they get older.

Not without reason, gray hair appears due to a decrease in the production of melanin as a substance that gives hair natural pigment. Because of this, the strands of hair that grow do not get the perfect pigment, causing grayish-white gray hair.

Even though it is a sign of aging, gray hair can actually grow faster, you know. Even when someone is still relatively young . This condition is called premature graying. There are various factors that cause premature graying, such as genetics, hormonal changes, styling too often using heating tools, dyeing hair using chemical dyes, certain diseases, the effects of stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Even though it has no effect on health, the presence of gray hair on the head is quite disturbing to your appearance. Especially for someone who is still young, the presence of gray hair makes them appear older than their age. It's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to reduce the growth of gray hair.

There are those who polish using chemical dyes in salons, use various hair care products, and even use natural ingredients. One natural ingredient that is often used is henna. Henna is a natural dye that can disguise the appearance of gray hair. But unfortunately, this natural dye cannot reduce the growth of gray hair.

So, if you want to reduce the growth of gray hair, you can copy the method shared by a doctor via Saddam Ismail's personal YouTube account on April 2 2020. The video contains how to reduce the growth of gray hair using 1 piece of kitchen waste. The kitchen waste in question is potato skins.

"How to Treat Gray Hair Naturally," wrote the doctor as a description of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from Saddam Ismail's YouTube account, Wednesday (13/3).

Ingredients and benefits of potato skin to reduce the growth of gray hair.

photo: freepik.com

Potato skins are usually just considered rubbish and end up being thrown away. Even though potato skins can be used as a hair care ingredient, you know. One of the benefits of potato skin for hair is that it can restore the appearance of gray hair to a darker color. Reporting from Herzindagi, potato skin contains an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase or tyrosinase, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium, niacin and magnesium which are useful for blackening hair. Not only that, the antioxidant content in potato skins is also effective in nourishing the hair and scalp so that gray hair growth can be prevented.

"The starch in potato skins is a natural dye for hair," said the doctor.

"You can mix it with essential oils to make the aroma fresher (if you don't like the original aroma of boiled potato skins)," he continued.

Just with potato skins, you can make an effective hair mask to reduce the growth of gray hair and make your hair evenly dark. Here's how to make and use it.

photo: YouTube/Saddam Ismail


- 1 glass of potato skins
- 2 glasses of water

How to create and use:

1. Wash the potato skin until it is really clean
2. Put potato skins and water in a saucepan
3. Cook until boiling or about 25 minutes
4. After boiling, strain the boiled potato skin water and just take the water
5. Leave it to cool
6. Apply to hair and scalp thoroughly
7. Leave it for 30-60 minutes then rinse using shampoo and conditioner
8. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get even black hair free of gray hair

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