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18 Juni 2024 18:25

Without a whitening scrub, this combination of salt and 1 baby product can lighten dark underarms

Dark armpit skin can make you less confident. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - The armpits are one of the areas where the body folds are prone to blackening and swelling. The reason is that this part of the body often escapes care. Even though the armpits should have the same color as the skin on other parts of the body. Well, blackened armpit skin can reduce a person's self-confidence.

Dark underarm skin appears due to a buildup of dead skin cells or buildup. Not only that, black and patchy armpits can also be caused by using unsuitable deodorant, wrong shaving techniques, friction, wearing clothes that are too tight, and certain diseases that cause hyperpigmentation.

Well, because it can disturb your appearance, many people use whitening scrubs to brighten black, bumpy underarms. Whitening skincare products are effective in evening out skin tone to make it evenly brighter. But unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for using the whitening scrubs on the market. Even the relatively expensive price is quite burdensome for some people.

photo: TikTok/@prabotanrumahkuu

Another solution, you can use home ingredients that are more economical. As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @prabotanrumahkuu, who uses salt and 1 baby product to brighten the armpits.

The baby products used are telon oil or eucalyptus oil. Here's how to make and use it, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @prabotanrumahkuu, Tuesday (18/6).


- A tablespoon of salt
- 1 tablespoon telon oil or eucalyptus oil
- Enough warm water

photo: TikTok/@prabotanrumahkuu

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed and the salt dissolves
3. Apply to the armpits using cotton by rubbing gently
4. Do this for 2-3 minutes
5. Rinse using water until clean
6. Repeat this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get evenly bright underarms and free of sour odor.

photo: TikTok/@prabotanrumahkuu

Salt content to lighten dark underarms.

Salt can act as a natural whitening agent that can remove dead skin cells or build-up in the armpits. So, black underarm skin can become brighter and smoother again. Not only that, salt, which is sodium chloride, is antibacterial, so it is effective in killing bacteria that cause unpleasant body odor.

The benefits of telon oil or eucalyptus oil to remove sour odor and black skin in the armpits.

Telon oil is a baby product consisting of a mixture of fennel oil, eucalyptus oil and coconut oil. The coconut oil content in it can brighten underarm skin, because it contains vitamin E in it.

Not only that, the content of eucalyptus oil and coconut oil can also remove body odor naturally or act as a natural deodorant. Because coconut oil contains lauric acid to kill bacteria that can cause unpleasant odors.

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