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18 Agustus 2024 18:00

Viral on TikTok to treat acne, check out 7 facts about what tretinoin cream is

Tretinoin is effective in treating acne because of its ability to speed up the skin cell renewal cycle. Devi Aristyaputri
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Brilio.net - Dealing with acne is a challenge faced by many people of all ages. One solution that is currently viral on TikTok to overcome this problem is to use a cream containing tretinoin. Tretinoin, also known as retinoic acid, is an acid form of vitamin A and has long been used in dermatology as an active ingredient to treat various skin problems, especially acne.

Tretinoin works by speeding up the skin cell regeneration cycle which helps reduce the buildup of dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause acne.

Not only that, tretinoin is also known to increase collagen production, thus helping to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines. This is what causes tretinoin to be often used not only to treat acne, but also for anti-aging treatments.

For those of you who are interested in using tretinoin cream, you can find out the information below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from various sources, Sunday (18/8).

How does tretinoin work in treating acne?

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Tretinoin is effective in treating acne because of its ability to speed up the skin cell renewal cycle. It is no wonder that dead skin cells that usually clog pores can be peeled off faster, reducing the possibility of blackheads and acne. In addition, tretinoin also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and swelling accompanied by acne.

The benefits of tretinoin besides treating acne.

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In addition to being effective in treating acne, tretinoin is also known as a powerful anti-aging agent. Its regular use helps reduce fine lines, improve skin elasticity, and repair sun damage. Tretinoin can also help treat hyperpigmentation problems, such as dark spots and melasma, by gradually lightening the skin.

How to use tretinoin?

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The use of tretinoin requires special attention because this ingredient can cause irritation, especially on sensitive skin. It is recommended to start with a low concentration (usually 0.025%) and only use it a few times a week until the skin gets used to it.

Make sure the skin is clean and dry before applying tretinoin, and avoid the eye area and corners of the mouth which are more prone to irritation. Also, using sunscreen during the day is very important because tretinoin can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Side effects to watch out for.

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One of the side effects of using tretinoin is skin irritation. This condition can cause redness, peeling, and dryness of the skin. Usually this condition often occurs in the early stages of use, when the skin is still adapting to this active ingredient.

However, over time, the skin usually adjusts and these side effects will lessen. It is important not to use tretinoin with abrasive or exfoliating products, as this can worsen the irritation.

When will the results be visible?

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Patience is key when using tretinoin. While some people may start to see improvement within a few weeks, optimal results usually take 8 to 12 weeks of regular use.

You need to know, tretinoin works at the cellular level to repair the skin from the inside out. Consistency in use is very important to achieve the desired results.

Tretinoin products on the market.

photo: freepik.com

Tretinoin is available in various forms, such as creams, gels, and lotions. In Indonesia, tretinoin products can be obtained with a doctor's prescription, because the use of this ingredient needs to be adjusted to each individual's skin condition. Some popular brands include Retin-A, ReTrieve, and Renova. Be sure to consult a dermatologist before starting to use tretinoin to ensure the right dosage and frequency.

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