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19 Juli 2024 06:25

Viral IV fluid is used as a facial toner to remove rashes, this is the doctor's explanation

"This is just a useless trend," said doctor Mario Johan. Devi Aristyaputri
Viral IV fluid is used as a facial toner to remove rashes, this is the doctor's explanation Freepik.com

Brilio.net - Since the existence of social media, some people can easily share tricks about anything, including beauty. Recently you may have passed on your FYP TikTok, a woman who uses intravenous fluids for facial treatments.

Briliobeauty.net reported from TikTok @Inayzn08_, initially he used the infusion to clean wounds. The remainder of the infusion fluid is then used to remove rashes and irritation on the face.

"So I used it. Coincidentally, there was red on the edge of my nose and a rash from the mask on my forehead but it was gone," explained the video upload, quoted by briliobeauty.net from TikTok @Inayzn08_, Thursday (18/7).

photo: TikTok/@Inayzn08_

Before deciding to use IV fluid as a facial toner, the woman admitted that she had consulted a doctor via a health application. After the acne subsided, the woman known as Lenny stopped using IV fluids.

Lenny's actions drew various questions from a number of netizens. Is IV fluid safe to use on the face? Answering netizens' doubts, doctor Mario Johan and content creator explained firstly, there are many types of IV fluids.

"There is ringer lactate, ringer asering, there is NaCl, the contents are also different," said Dr. Mario Johan quoted from TikTok @dr.joee, Thursday (18/7).

photo: TikTok/@dr.joee

When referring to Lenny's TikTok upload, the doctor recognized that the IV fluid used was NaCl. According to the explanation, NaCl is an ordinary isotonic salt solution that is sterile.

"So, there's no real difference to mineral water. And in medicine IV fluids are widely used to clean wounds, because they are sterile fluids," he explained.

Even though it has benefits for cleaning wounds, this IV fluid cannot be used repeatedly, as Lenny did. Its sterile nature makes IV fluids at risk of becoming a place for germs or bacteria to develop.

"But the IV fluid cannot be used repeatedly. Because it is sterile, there is a risk that germs or bacteria could live or stay there," he added.

photo: TikTok/@dr.joee

Meanwhile, Dr. Mario explained the connection between IV fluids and facial skin problems. According to him, IV fluids cannot be used to remove rashes or other facial treatments. This is because infusion fluids do not have active ingredients like skincare products.

"Except for CSM (Chizu Saeki Method), maybe you can. But why use IV fluids?" he explained.

Meanwhile, this video upload received various comments from netizens. It turns out that Lenny is not the only one who uses NaCl infusion for facial care.

"But if my acne becomes inflamed, I compress the nacl, it's cool, it's flat," wrote the account @Dapoer Alin.

"Yes, it's called the CSM technique, but you can just compress it with a toner that has a soothing effect, maybe the results will be better," said Dr. Mario.

"Doctor Onoh said it could, in fact it is recommended, this doctor said it doesn't matter, the initials are Kamila, so which one is correct...??" ask account @.

"So it's important for netizens to understand the context when they hear information from doctors, so that doctors don't continue to be pitted against each other, even though netizens sometimes fail to understand the context. And he said the context is if the skin is sensitive or the water is bad, because exfoliating toner is also not good for the skin. sensitive. But there are hydrating toners that can be used." answered Dr. Mario.

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