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15 Juli 2024 18:45

To avoid irritation and allergies, this is a trick for trying makeup samples in a safe offline store

There is a trick for doing a smudge test on mascara too, you know. Devi Aristyaputri
TikTok/ trimaaar_; Freepik.com

Brilio.net - When your makeup products run out, maybe you immediately go to your local makeup shop, rather than buying them at an online store. Apart from being able to get products faster, you can also choose various products directly. Another advantage is that you can try tester products so you don't buy the wrong one.

Indeed, buying makeup products is quite tricky, because you have to adjust it to your skin tone. There are various choices of makeup products and testers scattered around, sometimes making you want to try them directly. However, what is called a tester or product sample is of course used by many people, not just you. This can expose makeup products to various bacteria and germs that trigger allergies or irritation on the face.

To avoid these skin problems, you need to know tricks for trying new makeup at offline stores. This first step can help you avoid allergies or irritation. This method is demonstrated by the TikTok account @trimaaar_, following which briliobeauty.net reported a complete review, Monday (15/7).

photo: TikTok/trimaaar_

The first trick is trying eyeshadow. The thing that needs to be avoided is not to apply eyeshadow directly to the eyelids. Simply take the product with your fingers, then apply it to the outer knuckles.

photo: TikTok/trimaaar_

For lipstick product samples, avoid applying lip cream directly to the lips. Just apply it on your fingertips using a lip cream brush.

"Don't try lipstick directly on your lips! I can't imagine how many germs there are," wrote the caption in the video upload.

photo: TikTok/trimaaar_

The third trick is to try mascara . Avoid applying mascara directly to your eyelashes. But try it on the back of your hand first. This is done so that the eyelashes do not become irritated.

"Take oil on your face to test smudge mascara. If it doesn't slide or smudge, it means it's approved." wrote Trimar.

That's a trick for trying samples of makeup products that you can apply when buying them. Meanwhile, the video upload received various comments from netizens. From these comments, it turns out that there are still people who try samples directly on the face.

"I just saw a girl immediately using lip pen on her lips like!? Sis please," wrote the account @haurabrdwn.

"Yes, Anjir is really disgusted, even though he doesn't have his own personality but he's just being rude, ewh," said the account @Aurell.

"Every time I try lipstick, I always use a cutton bud," commented the account @caramelchiatto.

"I would try it directly on my face," wrote the account @.

"Don't do it again, because it's a make-up test like this, I'm sure many people have used it, I'm afraid it will irritate your face, it's better to just try it on your hands," said the account @tatha.

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