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26 Juni 2024 11:10

This kitchen spice can freshen a sour mouth, here's how to prepare and use it

Bad breath is usually caused by bacteria that grow because food remains stuck in the teeth. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Problems in the mouth area don't just stop with yellow teeth and gingivitis. Another mouth problem that most people often experience is bad breath. This condition usually occurs in people who do not maintain good oral hygiene.

Quoted from the Healthline page, bad breath is usually caused by bacteria that grow because food remains stuck in the teeth. The remaining food then turns into dental plaque and releases sulfur compounds which cause the mouth to smell sour.

If left unchecked, the bacteria that cause bad breath will multiply more and more, forming tartar. Apart from that, the bacteria that continues to grow can also cause the gums to become infected and cause pain or toothache.

If you experience this, there's no need to worry. Because you can overcome this by using natural ingredients . You can even find it in the kitchen, you know. Like the upload shared by a TikTok user with the account name @syrahabdrahman, he uses kitchen spices to freshen the sour smell of his mouth.

The kitchen spice cloves can freshen sour mouth odor

The kitchen spice in question is cloves. He also added another ingredient, namely lime. Come on, see how to process and use it, as reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @syrahabdrahman, Wednesday (26/6).


- 5 clove seeds
- 2 lime slices
- A glass of water

The kitchen spice cloves can freshen sour mouth odor

How to process and use:

1. Put the ingredients in a heat-resistant container
2. Heat the ingredients using low heat for 7-8 minutes
3. Turn off the stove then pour into a glass
4. Filter and just take the water
5. Wait until it cools slightly or feels warm
6. Drink this concoction to eliminate bad breath regularly every morning or evening.

The kitchen spice cloves can freshen sour mouth odor

Contains cloves to eliminate bad breath.

Cloves contain antifungal, antiseptic and antibacterial properties to reduce bacteria and fungi that develop in the mouth. The natural antibacterial content in cloves will eradicate the bacteria that cause sour breath, leaving your breath fresher. Not only that, cloves are also effective in reducing the formation of plaque and tartar which causes bad breath that never goes away.

The benefits of lime to make your mouth automatically fresh.

The limonoid oil content in limes has a distinctive aroma that can eliminate bad breath. Apart from that, this fruit also contains vitamin C which can create an environment that bacteria do not like. As a result, the mouth feels fresher and odor-free. Lime is also able to stimulate saliva production which functions as an antiseptic and natural mouth cleanser.

Lime, which is synonymous with its sour taste, can also remove tartar, you know. The acid content in lime can help clean plaque on teeth.

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