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15 Agustus 2024 12:10

This food ingredient can make a dull face and dark spots automatically bright, here's how to process it

Do this routinely 2-3 times a week to get a bright, even face free from dullness and dark spots. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Dull and dark spots are two skin problems that are often faced by many people, both men and women. Dull facial skin is usually caused by various factors, such as the accumulation of dead skin cells, excessive sun exposure, or environmental pollution.

The buildup of dead skin cells that are not removed properly can make the skin look less radiant and not fresh. In addition, exposure to UV rays can damage the skin layer and cause excess pigmentation, resulting in the appearance of dark spots.

Dark spots or hyperpigmentation itself is a condition in which certain areas of the skin produce excessive melanin, resulting in dark spots that can make the skin tone uneven. Both conditions are quite disturbing to the appearance, so it is not surprising that many people are looking for ways to overcome dull faces and dark spots on their faces.

There are various ways that can be done to overcome dull face and dark spots on the face. Among them are by doing treatments at a beauty clinic, using skincare products, to utilizing natural ingredients to be used as a face mask.

photo: TikTok/@milkydew

One of them is as shared by a TikTok user with the account name @milkydew. Through his upload, the account owner uses food ingredients to make a dull and dark-spotted face automatically bright. The food ingredient in question is rice. Come on, see how to process and use it below, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @milkydew, Thursday (8/15).


- 1/4 cup rice
- 1 cup water

photo: TikTok/@milkydew

How to process and use:

1. Wash the rice using clean water 2-3 times.
2. Put the rice into the rice cooker and add water.
3. Cook until the rice softens.
4. Pour into a blender and blend until the texture is like porridge.
5. Transfer to a clean container and let stand until cool.
6. Apply to a thoroughly cleansed face.
7. Let stand for 10-15 minutes
8. Rinse with water until clean
9. Do this routinely 2-3 times a week to get a bright, even face free from dullness and dark spots.

photo: TikTok/@milkydew

The content and benefits of rice to overcome dull skin and black spots.

Rice, it turns out, has various benefits for skin care, especially for dealing with dull faces and dark spots. Rice contains a number of important nutrients that support skin health, such as vitamin B, antioxidants, and ferulic acid. Vitamin B, including B1, B3, and B6, plays a role in skin cell regeneration and helps even out skin tone, to brighten a dull-looking face.

In addition, rice is also rich in antioxidants to fight free radicals and reduce damage from sun exposure and pollution, which can worsen dark spots.

Ferulic acid, found in the outer layer of rice grains, helps protect the skin from oxidative damage and improves the appearance of dark spots by reducing pigmentation. Saponins in rice act as natural cleansers that effectively remove dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of dullness, and improve skin texture.

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