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31 Juli 2024 15:10

This detox drink from 3 kitchen ingredients can help cure acne, here's how to make it

The main factor that causes acne is excess oil production, which then clogs the pores. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Acne is a common problem that is often experienced by many people, including teenagers and adults. Many factors can trigger acne, ranging from hormonal changes to imbalances in skin care. For some people, acne can be a source of worry and decreased self-confidence. However, with appropriate treatment, acne problems can be treated effectively.

This skin problem is characterized by the appearance of red bumps, blackheads and pustules on the face. The main factor that causes acne is excess oil production, which then clogs pores and causes inflammation by bacteria. Hormonal changes are also often the main trigger for acne, especially during puberty, pregnancy, or when experiencing emotional stress.

Because it can interfere with your appearance, it's not surprising that many people want to treat acne on their face. Starting from using skincare specifically for acne, getting treatment at a beauty clinic, to using natural ingredients.

As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @errsunday, who makes a detox drink to treat acne on the face. This detox drink only uses 3 kitchen ingredients. The kitchen ingredients in question are turmeric, coriander and lime.

This detox drink from 3 kitchen ingredients can help cure acne

After knowing the ingredients that will be used, let's see how to make it, which was reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @errsunday, Wednesday (31/7).


- 1 segment of turmeric
- 1 tablespoon coriander
- 1 lime juice
- Enough hot water

This detox drink from 3 kitchen ingredients can help cure acne

How to make:

1. Peel the turmeric, wash it, then slice it into smaller pieces
2. Put it in a glass then add the coriander and lime juice
3. Pour hot water into the glass containing the 3 ingredients
4. Leave it overnight until the water changes color
5. Strain and just take the steeping water
6. Drink in the morning until it's finished
7. You can consume this detox drink regularly every day to get a smooth, acne-free face.

This detox drink from 3 kitchen ingredients can help cure acne

Turmeric contains to treat acne on the face.

Turmeric is widely known as a natural ingredient that has various benefits for skin health, including treating acne on the face. One of the main reasons is because it contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties help relieve inflammation in acne, reducing redness and swelling.

Apart from that, turmeric also has the ability to inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria, such as Propionibacterium acnes, which can help reduce infection and speed up the acne healing process.

The benefits of coriander to prevent acne from appearing again.

One of the main reasons why coriander is effective in preventing acne from recurring is its high antioxidant content, especially in the form of vitamin C and vitamin E. Antioxidants help protect the skin from free radical damage and inflammation, which can affect skin health and trigger acne.

Lime can treat acne thanks to the vitamin content in it.

Lime has long been known as a natural ingredient that is effective in treating acne. This is thanks to the high vitamin C content. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties, which help protect the skin from free radical damage. Apart from that, vitamin C also helps in the skin regeneration process, accelerates the healing of small wounds and fades acne scars.

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