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22 Mei 2024 07:00

This beauty vlogger's way of brightening black spots using 1 plant makes you tingle but makes your face automatically glow

Hormonal factors also play an important role in the formation of black spots. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: YouTube/@modisfit

Brilio.net - Black spots or hyperpigmentation is a common facial skin problem and is characterized by black and brown spots. This skin problem occurs due to excessive melanin production in the skin. You need to know, melanin is a pigment that gives color to skin, hair and eyes.

Well, melanin production can increase in response to various factors, one of which is excessive sun exposure. When the skin is exposed to UV light, melanin-producing cells called melanocytes become more active and produce more melanin as a protective mechanism. Melanin functions to absorb and scatter UV rays, and prevent further damage to skin cells. However, excessive exposure to sunlight can cause uneven distribution of melanin, resulting in black spots forming on the skin.

Apart from sun exposure, aging is also a significant factor in the formation of black spots. As we age, the skin undergoes structural and functional changes. The skin cell regeneration process slows down, and the skin's ability to repair itself decreases. As a result, the accumulated damage caused by sun exposure throughout life becomes increasingly visible, often in the form of black spots known as age spots or liver spots.

Hormonal factors also play an important role in the formation of black spots. Conditions such as melasma that occur in pregnant women or taking contraceptive pills are caused by hormonal changes that trigger increased melanin production. The hormones estrogen and progesterone can influence melanocyte activity, so that certain areas of the skin become darker. Melasma usually appears as brown patches on the face, especially on the forehead, cheeks, and upper lip.

Additionally, inflammation or injury to the skin, such as acne, eczema, or wounds, can cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. When the skin becomes inflamed, the healing process can cause excessive melanin production in the affected area, resulting in dark spots after the wound heals.

To keep your skin bright and free of black spots, what you need to do is treat your skin with a natural mask. This is the method used by beauty vlogger with the YouTube channel @modisfit. In the short video upload that was shared, he appeared to be using one type of plant, namely aloe vera.

Even though applying a mask in the video looks ridiculous, there are quite a lot of benefits behind it, you know. Aloe vera contains a compound called allosin, which is known to have the ability to inhibit the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme. The tyrosinase enzyme is responsible for the melanin production process in the skin. By inhibiting the activity of this enzyme, aloe vera helps reduce excessive melanin production, thereby helping to fade dark spots and brighten the skin overall.

Meanwhile, the anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera help relieve irritation and inflammation of the skin. Inflammation is often the main cause of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), namely black spots that appear after the skin becomes inflamed or injured. Regular application of aloe vera helps prevent the formation of new black spots and speeds up the skin healing process.

Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene. Reporting from healthline.com, Thursday (16/5) this antioxidant helps fight skin damage caused by free radicals and exposure to UV rays . Oxidative damage is one factor that can worsen dark spots and other signs of aging.

Another benefit of aloe vera.

Another content of aloe vera that is well known to many people is its moisturizing properties. Well, its moisturizing properties can keep the skin hydrated and soft. Additionally, well-hydrated skin is able to repair itself and is less susceptible to irritation and damage. Adequate moisture also helps improve skin texture, making the appearance of dark spots less prominent.

Those are the benefits of aloe vera which you can use to brighten black spots. For those of you who want to try, let's look at the steps below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from the YouTube channel @modisfit, Thursday (16/5).

Materials and tools:

photo: YouTube/@modisfit

- 1/2 aloe vera
- tablespoon
- Bio oil.

How to make:

photo: YouTube/@modisfit

1. Cut the aloe vera skin on the right and left sides
2. Split the aloe vera into two parts
3. Rub the aloe vera using a spoon repeatedly, until it foams
4. Put it in a bowl
5. Add enough bio oil
6. Stir again
7. The mask is ready for you to use.

How to use:

photo: YouTube/@modisfit

1. Make sure your face is clean
2. Before applying, stir the mask again
3. Take and apply to face evenly
4. Wait for 10 minutes
5. Rinse using normal water and face wash
6. Use this mask two or three times a week to get the results you want.

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