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5 Juli 2024 11:10

These culinary flavoring leaves can get rid of bad breath and toothache, here's how to prepare them

This natural ingredient can be used regularly to care for teeth and mouth. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Bad breath is generally caused by the habit of rarely brushing your teeth and a lack of oral hygiene. This condition can reduce self-confidence and disturb the sufferer's comfort.

Quoted from the Healthline page, bad breath is generally caused by bacteria that grow because food remains stuck in the teeth. The remaining food will release sulfur compounds which cause the mouth to smell bad. If left untreated, the bacteria will multiply more and more, forming plaque and hardening into tartar.

Not only that, the bacteria that continues to grow can also make the gums become infected and cause pain or toothache. This tooth pain will also cause other problems, such as dental caries and cavities. Therefore, regularly cleaning your teeth is very important to maintain oral health and hygiene.

It doesn't stop there, it turns out that bad breath is also caused by several other factors, such as smoking, eating strong-smelling foods, digestive diseases, and serious medical conditions. So, if you are one of the people who experiences this condition, there is no need to worry, because you can overcome it by using natural ingredients.

photo: TikTok/@resepleluhurasli

As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @resepleluhurasli, who uses cooking flavoring leaves to treat bad breath and toothache. The flavoring leaves in question are orange leaves. Come on, see how to process and use it below, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @resepleluhurasli, Friday (5/7).


- 5-7 lime leaves
- 1/2 cup hot water

photo: TikTok/@resepleluhurasli

How to process and use:

1. Wash the orange leaves until clean
2. Put it in a glass cup
3. Add hot water then cover
4. Leave it until the water turns warm
5. Use it to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth
6. Repeat this method regularly twice a day to get fresh, toothache-free breath.

photo: TikTok/@resepleluhurasli

The content of lime leaves to eliminate bad breath and treat toothache.

Orange leaves themselves contain active compounds that can maintain healthy teeth and mouth. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic content in these flavoring leaves is believed to be able to clean teeth and gums effectively, thereby preventing toothache.

Apart from being able to clean teeth and gums, orange leaves can also prevent the formation of tartar. This is thanks to the citric acid content in orange leaves which can help dissolve dental plaque, thereby preventing the formation of tartar.

The next benefit of lime leaves for dental and oral health is that they can help reduce unpleasant breath odor. The antibacterial compounds contained in it are believed to be able to kill the bacteria that cause annoying bad breath.

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