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19 Juli 2024 20:45

The trick to make your face smooth and acne-free is to use a special Dayak cold powder, just rely on kokang leaves and rice

Cock leaves are a type of plant that is often used as a body and facial cleanser. Anindya Kurnia

Brilio.net - Acne occurs when skin pores are blocked by dirt, dust, oil or dead skin cells. These various impurities will mix with sebum and inflammation occurs. This condition usually appears in the facial area.

For some people, the presence of acne on the face is quite disturbing and can reduce self-confidence. However, if acne is left alone and does not receive proper treatment, acne will not only cause discomfort, but also trigger more severe skin complications.

Complications due to untreated acne will cause black marks or pockmarks. Of course, this makes the face full of blemishes and has an uneven color. So, if you are one of the people who experiences this condition, there is no need to worry, because you can overcome it by using cold powder.

Cold powder is a traditional cosmetic that has been used for generations to care for the skin. Cold powder can be used to cure acne, cool the face, fade blemishes on the face, and protect the face from the bad effects of sunlight. One of the cold powders that you can try is the Dayak cold powder.

Tricks for making a smooth, acne-free face using Dayak cold powder

As shared by TikTok user @renni_mulandha, he shared how to make Dayak cold powder to cure acne on the face.

"Make Dayak cold powder from slow lorises leaves," he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @renni_mulandha, Friday (19/7).

Tricks for making a smooth, acne-free face using Dayak cold powder

Through this upload, the account owner only relies on cock leaves and rice to make cold powder. Here's how to make it.


Tricks for making a smooth, acne-free face using Dayak cold powder

- Sufficient cock or slow loris leaves
- 2-3 handfuls of rice (soak overnight)

How to create and use:

Tricks for making a smooth, acne-free face using Dayak cold powder

1. Wash the cockle leaves until they are really clean.
2. Put it in a pestle and add the soaked rice.
3. Mash the two ingredients until they are really smooth.
4. Once smooth, dry the results of growing the two ingredients in the sun until they are half dry.
5. Pound again using a pestle until smooth.
6. Strain and take only the powder, so there are no lumps.
7. To make the storage last longer, roll the cold powder into balls the size of marbles and then dry them in the sun again until completely dry.
8. You can add pieces of pandan leaves when drying to add to the aroma of the cold powder.
9. How to use it, take 1-2 rounds of cold powder then dissolve it in water until the texture is like paste.
10. Apply to a thoroughly clean face.
11. Leave it until dry then rinse with water until clean.
12. Use cold powder regularly every day or every 2 days to get a smooth, acne-free face.

Contains cock leaves to get rid of acne on the face.

Cock leaves are a type of plant that is often used as a body and facial cleanser. This is thanks to the content of secondary metabolites which have the potential to act as antimicrobials. Not only that, the antioxidant content in it is also effective in removing acne and fading black spots on the face.

Benefits of rice for treating acne.

Rice will work as a natural exfoliator which can fade black spots on the face and treat acne . This is thanks to the ferulic acid and allantoin content in it. This food ingredient also has natural whitening properties which are effective in brightening the face, evening out skin tone, and slowing down excess melanin production.

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