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18 Juli 2024 14:13

The story of a girl recovering from hormonal acne is full of struggle, the before and after photos amaze you

Hormonal acne is acne that appears due to excessive sebum production Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@risma_kencana

Brilio.net - Facial problems related to acne are quite disturbing. One of them is hormonal acne .

Hormonal acne is acne that appears due to excessive sebum production, which can clog pores and cause acne. Excessive sebum production is related to hormonal changes that occur in the body.

Although it can be experienced by anyone, hormonal acne is more often experienced by teenage and adult women. Not without reason, many things cause a woman's hormones to become unbalanced, for example menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Not only that, hormonal acne can also appear due to certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

During puberty or adolescence, hormonal acne often appears in the T-zone area of the face, namely the forehead, nose and chin. Meanwhile, in adults, hormonal acne can appear along the jawline, lower cheeks and neck. This condition is quite disturbing and can reduce the sufferer's self-confidence.

It's not surprising that many people feel frustrated due to the difficulty of getting rid of hormonal acne. However, with proper and consistent treatment, many have managed to recover from hormonal acne on their faces. As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @risma_kencana, who shared his struggle to recover from hormonal acne.

photo: TikTok/@risma_kencana

" Thank God, 1 month can pass even though the mind is made of ups and downs ," wrote the account owner in the description of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @risma_kencana, Thursday (18/7).

Through this 1 minute TikTok video, the account owner known as Risma shares her struggle to cure hormonal acne on her face for 1 month. The story begins in July 2022, at which time his facial condition suddenly started to break out.

After a few days, the rashes on her face got worse and actually turned into inflamed pimples. Not only that, the inflammation also makes his face red. There were even several pimples on his face that were also festering.

photo: TikTok/@risma_kencana

" journey story July 2022. After a few days it immediately became inflamed ," said Risma.

When her face became inflamed, Risma still took care of her face using her favorite skincare. Instead of healing, the acne on her face got worse until it appeared on her neck and back area. So, in this condition, Risma just realized that the inflamed acne on her face was caused by hormonal changes.

" Acne reaches the neck and back. It turns out the effects of hormones fluctuate from weight gain and food ," continued Risma.

Over time, the acne on her face got worse. His face also became irritated until it felt sore and itchy. Because of this, he decided to take special medication to stabilize his hormones.

photo: TikTok/@risma_kencana

" Finally it was accompanied by taking medication ," said Risma.

Her struggle was not in vain, Risma's facial condition was getting better. The reason is, his hormones are starting to stabilize, so the acne on his face is starting to dry out and fade. Not only that, she also regularly uses skincare that suits the condition of her facial skin.

" Along with the skincare that I usually use. Thank God it's getting better ," concluded Risma.

After a month, Risma's facial condition improved. Even if collaged, the before and after portraits really make those who see them feel relieved.

photo: TikTok/@risma_kencana

Not only that, his struggle to treat and cure acne on his face made the video go viral, being watched 406.2 thousand times and receiving various comments from netizens.

" Grgr, after the acne facial, my face looks like that, now I just have to get rid of the scars, which is a bit difficult because it takes a long time ," said the account @spilltipistipis2.

" Just like me, at first the edges of my face became inflamed and spread, thank God it's slowly getting better now ," said the account @mtrmdnp.

" I've been so sick that the stress doesn't seem to go away ," said the account @nda_meyy.

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