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27 Agustus 2024 11:10

The result is similar to Korean celebrities, this trick for styling bangs for people with wide foreheads is easy, no need to cut your hair

A wide forehead can be the result of genetic factors or a person's natural bone structure. Anindya Kurnia
The result is similar to Korean celebrities, this trick for styling bangs for people with wide foreheads is easy, no need to cut your hair foto: TikTok/@sissyclip

Brilio.net - A wide forehead is a condition in which the forehead area of the face looks wider compared to the proportions of the rest of the face. This is often considered a characteristic of certain face shapes, such as oval or rectangular faces.

A wide forehead can be the result of genetic factors or a person's natural bone structure. While a wide forehead is not a health issue, some people may feel uncomfortable with its appearance, and look for ways to balance their facial features.

There are several makeup and grooming techniques that can help combat the impression of a wide forehead. One of them is the contouring technique, where the use of a darker contour product along the hairline can create the illusion of a smaller, more defined forehead.

Additionally, certain hairstyles, such as bangs or long hair that covers part of the forehead, can help balance the proportions of the face and give a more balanced impression.

Well, you can copy this trick as shared by a TikTok user with the account name @sissyclip. Through her upload, she shared a trick for styling bangs for owners of wide foreheads without having to cut their hair.

Styling tricks for bangs for those with wide foreheads, no need to cut hair

"How to trim your bangs so your head doesn't look hunched over anymore. I got the tips from a Korean idol," he said in the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net released on Monday (26/8).

The trick is easy, you just need to divide your hair into 2 parts. After that, take a little part of the side hair, then tie it using a hair tie. Tie it in the middle, then twist it inward.

Styling tricks for bangs for those with wide foreheads, no need to cut hair

Next, insert the bangs into the previously tied hair section. Then, tighten the rubber band by pulling the ends of the hair. Next, tuck all the hair behind the ears to give a fresher face effect.

Styling tricks for bangs for those with wide foreheads, no need to cut hair

Finally, tidy up the bangs to make it look natural. Do this on the other side of your hair to get a smaller face and cover your wide forehead. With this trick, you will also get neat hair like Korean celebrities. Good luck!

Styling tricks for bangs for those with wide foreheads, no need to cut hair

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