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29 Juli 2024 07:29

The makeup is no longer whitish, this is how to correct the foundation color, just use mixing pigment

Mixing pigment is a makeup product that has the same function as a color corrector Devi Aristyaputri
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Have you ever experienced foundation that was too light in color or whitish when applied to your face? Maybe when you experience this condition you are confused and choose to throw away the product.

Foundation is a type of makeup product that functions to even out facial skin color and disguise flaws, such as acne and scars, as well as black spots or wrinkles. Not only that, using foundation also makes facial makeup look fresher.

Seeing the important use of foundation as a base for makeup, it is not surprising that many people rely on foundation. So, if you've just bought a foundation and the color isn't quite right, don't throw it away, Briliobeauty.net has a trick you can use to correct the color of the foundation that doesn't match.

This trick was shared by a beauty vlogger with the TikTok account @alifahratusaelynda. Through an upload on her TikTok account, Alifah shared a trick to overcome whitish foundation by mixing pigment. This makeup tool is a makeup product that has the same function as a color corrector, namely correcting colors that don't match the foundation.

photo: TikTok/@alifahratusaelynda

" How to correct foundation color by mixing pigment. The product I use is LA Girl Pro Color Foundation Mixing Pigment Blue, bro.
Hopefully local makeup brands can also release pigment mixing products so you can correct your own foundation color at home. "I really need blue pigment huhu ," wrote the caption in the video upload as quoted from TikTok @alifahratusaelynda, Monday (29/7).

So, how to mix these two makeup products is very easy. For those of you who want to try, you can read the steps below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from TikTok @alifahratusaelynda, Monday (29/7).

photo: TikTok/@alifahratusaelynda

1. Prepare a foundation whose shade is too yellow and doesn't match
2. Prepare the pigment mixture
3. Pour enough foundation on the back of your hand
4. Pour enough blue pigment mixture
5. Mix all ingredients until smooth
6. If the color is suitable, apply it to your face until the blend is even
7. By using this method, the foundation color becomes more suitable and you can use it for daily makeup.

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