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21 Juni 2024 18:44

The intention to get rid of acne using retinol actually resulted in a breakout, the condition of the cheeks made girls afraid

Beginners who want to use retinol are advised to use it at a low concentration of around 0.2 percent. Anindya Kurnia

Brilio.net - Acne is a facial skin problem that is quite disturbing to your appearance, because it usually leaves scars in the form of black spots. This condition occurs when the pores are blocked by dirt such as sebum and dead skin cells that accumulate. Well, this dirt will mix with bacteria and cause inflammation.

Inflamed acne will cause pain and discomfort. The appearance of the face is also less than optimal, the skin surface becomes uneven. It's not like before, where people treated it with acne medication. Nowadays people are actually looking for skincare products to restore their face, one of which is retinol.

Reporting from Healthline, retinol helps neutralize free radicals in the skin layers. Its function is to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and prevent enlarged pores. Retinol has a lot of potential in caring for skin, but there are also side effects to consider.

Before using retinol as an acne remover, you also need to know your skin type. Because not all skin types are suitable for using retinol. Not infrequently, using retinol will actually make acne worse. As experienced by a girl who shared her story via her personal TikTok account @ditatriww.

Through this 38 second upload, the girl known as Dita shared her story about a year ago which made her sad. Dita's intention was to get rid of acne using retinol, who would have thought that her face would break out badly.

The story of a girl who broke out after using retinol

"Be careful guys. For those of you who don't know, retinol can really cause purging or breakouts! So be aware when you choose a product," he said in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @ditatriww, Friday ( 6/21).

The story begins when he wanted to try to remove acne scars on his face, especially on his cheeks. He also showed a photo of his cheeks before using retinol. It appears that some of the blemishes on her face are quite black and make her face have an uneven texture.

Then, he tried to look for information on the internet about skincare ingredients that were good for getting rid of acne and scars.

"After I tried looking for everything, retinol was the answer," he said.

The story of a girl who broke out after using retinol

Without thinking twice, Dita immediately bought retinol. After using it for some time, it turned out that the condition of his face actually got worse. After 2 to 3 weeks of use, Dita's face broke out, her eyebrows appeared in large numbers and pimples appeared on her cheeks.

"I tried to hold on, didn't I? Lasted for 3 months. I thought it would get better, but instead it got worse," continued Dita.

When her face really broke out badly with inflamed acne all over her face, Dita then stopped using the retinol skincare she was using. What's worse, not only did he experience a breakout, it turned out that his face also experienced hyperpigmentation or more and more black spots.

"I actually get more hyperpigmentation than before," said Dita.

The story of a girl who broke out after using retinol

Learning from Dita's story, you need to know that everyone has different skin types. There are those who are sensitive to active ingredients such as retinol, use retinol that is not in the correct dosage, or use retinol incorrectly.

Retinol itself is an active ingredient in vitamin A which is widely used in skincare products. This active ingredient has many benefits, from treating acne, improving skin texture, to being said to be effective in preventing premature aging.

Like other active ingredients, retinol also needs to be used according to the rules so that the skin can get the benefits and avoid the risk of irritation. Especially if it is not used according to the rules. It's best to use retinol 12 times a week at the start of use to avoid irritation.

The story of a girl who broke out after using retinol
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Apart from that, you also need to pay attention to the steps for using it. It is recommended to use retinol at night, because this active ingredient will make the skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Reported by Healthline, for beginners, you can use retinol with a low concentration of around 0.2 percent. After some time, you can move to higher concentrations gradually. The safest high retinol concentration is 1 percent. Not only that, you can also do a patch test first before using retinol skincare, to find out whether it suits your skin.

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