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6 Januari 2025 08:30

Simple trick to tighten sagging face to make it look young again with 1 type of flavoring leaf

Sagging skin conditions can get worse if not balanced with a healthy lifestyle, such as lack of sleep or smoking habits. Lola Lolita
Simple trick to tighten sagging face to make it look young again with 1 type of flavoring leaf foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Excessive sun exposure and unhealthy lifestyles often cause signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. This phenomenon generally occurs in individuals aged 25 years and over.

Skin aging is caused by a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, two important components that keep skin firm . As we age, the fat in the face also decreases, causing fatty tissue in areas such as the cheeks, temples, forehead, lips, and neck to sag.

Loose skin conditions can worsen if not balanced with a healthy lifestyle, such as lack of sleep or smoking habits. To slow down the skin aging process, it is important to do proper beauty treatments , exercise regularly, and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Luckily, there are some natural ways that can help tighten sagging skin to make it look younger. One interesting method comes from TikTok account owner @jess_guarin who shared a trick using bay leaves as the main ingredient. She also recommends using cloves, glycerin, and aloe vera gel.

Benefits of bay leaves

photo: freepik.com

Bay leaves are known as a kitchen spice that gives a distinctive aroma and taste to dishes. However, its benefits are not limited to culinary; bay leaves also have properties for beauty. According to information from briliobeauty.net quoted from Stylecraze, bay leaves are rich in vitamins, essential minerals, and antioxidants that are very good for skin health. These antioxidants function to prevent signs of premature aging by reducing fine lines and maintaining facial elasticity.

Cloves for skin care

Cloves are a spice that is known to be effective in treating signs of aging. The content of compounds such as eugenol, resin, tannin, flavonoids, and gallic acid in cloves can help treat the skin and slow down the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. The oil contained in cloves also plays a role in hydrating and providing nutrition to the skin.

Glycerin is an ingredient that is believed to improve the function of the skin in slowing down the aging process. This substance helps young skin cells move from the deepest layers to the surface to form a natural barrier for the skin. As a result, the skin will look brighter and smoother overall.

Benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is also known as a natural moisturizer that is rich in nutrients. With high vitamin C, E, and beta carotene content, aloe vera not only maintains skin moisture but also helps tighten and nourish the face.
By utilizing this combination of natural ingredients, you can treat sagging skin and maintain a youthful appearance without having to rely on chemical-based products.

photo: TikTok/@jess_guarin

With just the ingredients mentioned above, you can make a face mask to tighten sagging skin. Here's how to make it.


1. 5-6 bay leaves
2. 20-30 cloves
3. 2 glasses of water
4. 1 tablespoon glycerin
5. 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel

photo: TikTok/@jess_guarin

How to make:

1. Put bay leaves and cloves in a pan.
2. Add water and cook for 10 minutes until boiling.
3. Turn off the stove then wait until it cools down a bit.
4. Strain and take the water
5. Take 6 teaspoons of your homemade boiled water into a bowl.
6. Add glycerin and aloe vera gel then stir until evenly mixed.
7. Apply to a thoroughly cleansed face.
8. Leave it for 30 minutes then rinse with water until clean.
9. Use this mask regularly 3 times a week to get a firm face.
10. You can use the water left over from boiling bay leaves and cloves as a face spray that can be used every day before going to bed.

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