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20 Juni 2024 18:10

Remove stubborn climbs using Marina blue mixed with face toner, the results make your skin glow automatically

Stubborn climbs on the skin can be caused by lazy bathing habits. Devi Aristyaputri

Brilio.net - Climbs are formed from accumulated dirt, dust and dead skin cells. The way to remove climbs is most often done by rubbing with your hands. Although sometimes this method works, it is less effective if the climbs are stubborn.

Apart from dirt and dust, climbs on the skin can be caused by a disease called dermatitis neglecta (DN). This disease is a skin inflammation that occurs as a result of not maintaining body hygiene, aka rarely bathing.

You need to know, bathing doesn't just clean germs and oil. However, bathing regularly can remove dead skin cells and other dirt stuck to the skin. So you can imagine if you rarely shower, the dirt and oil will automatically accumulate and be difficult to remove.

lift stubborn climbers using a marina combination.

If you already have stubborn climbs, you can still get rid of them with one effective trick. This trick was shared by a beauty vlogger with the TikTok account @dinotirex00. Through his video upload, he used a blue bottle of Marina body lotion mixed with face toner from Ovale.

The combination of these two ingredients is claimed to be able to lift stubborn climbs . Even if used regularly, it can brighten the skin. So, are you curious about how to use a combination of products to lift stubborn climbs? Check out the information briliobeauty.net reported from TikTok @dinotirex00, Thursday (20/6).

How to create and use:

lift stubborn climbers using a marina combination.

1. Prepare two to three pieces of cotton.
2. Pour Marina blue body lotion into the container.
3. Add enough face toner from Ovale.
4. Mix until evenly mixed.
5. Apply to hands and feet.
6. Wait a few moments.
7. Rub gently with cotton.
8. By using this method, stubborn climbs on the hands and feet can be lifted easily. The skin of the hands and feet looks bright and glowing.

Benefits of Marina Blue and Ovale Face Toner.

In the trick used above, there are two products combined, namely, Marina UV White Healthy and Glow and Face Toner Ovale. Both products have their own benefits for the skin, as follows:

1. Marina UV White Healthy and Glow.

Marina UV White Healthy and Glow is a hand body that contains vitamins B3 and E which are proven to make your skin evenly bright. The mineral essence content in Marina UV White Healthy and Glow can protect the skin from exposure to UVA and UVB rays. This lotion has also been clinically tested by Dermatologists, and is suitable for all skin types.

2. Face Toner Ovale 2 in 1 Facial Lotion.

Face Toner Ovale 2 in 1 Facial Lotion is formulated as a cleanser for make up, dirt and dust on the face. Face Toner Ovale 2 in 1 Facial Lotion contains jicama fruit extract, which is believed to be able to brighten the skin.

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