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15 Mei 2024 13:11

Not with honey, this is a trick to tighten wrinkles and a sagging face using only 2 kitchen ingredients

There are other natural ingredients that are no less effective for tightening the skin besides honey Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - As we get older, our skin also experiences aging . This condition is characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, wrinkles on the skin, fine lines, and so on. This change certainly makes some people nervous, because quite a few people want to maintain their beauty even though they are getting older.

Generally, decreased skin firmness is caused by reduced collagen and natural oil content of the skin. As you get older, the fat on your face will decrease and become thinner, so that the fat tissue spread across various areas of your face, such as your cheeks, temples, forehead, lips, including the neck, becomes saggy.

The reason is, collagen and elastin will naturally decrease with age. Because of this, the skin loosens easily and skin regeneration also slows down.

Apart from the aging process, sagging skin can also be experienced by people who are overweight and then go on a diet. These changes will be visible in several areas of the body, especially the neck, arms, stomach and thighs.

This process cannot be avoided, but that doesn't mean you can't overcome it, you know. Some people will maintain the firmness of their skin by using skin care products, medical procedures, and natural ingredients.

One natural ingredient that is often used to overcome the problem of aging facial skin is honey . Not without reason, because honey contains antioxidants and vitamin E which are effective in maintaining skin firmness. Even so, it turns out there are other natural ingredients that are no less effective for tightening the skin besides honey, you know.

Well, you can see these ingredients from the upload of a TikTok user with the account name @naturalremedioss. Through the video, the account owner uses 2 kitchen ingredients. The kitchen ingredients in question are tomatoes and granulated sugar.

photo: TikTok/@naturalremedioss

Contains tomatoes to tighten wrinkles and sagging face.

Apart from health, tomatoes also have many benefits for the skin. The antioxidant content, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, potassium and magnesium in tomatoes can brighten the face, remove stubborn blemishes, treat acne and overcome various skin problems related to aging.

Meanwhile, according to the journal Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, the lycopene content in tomatoes can help prevent changes in skin color, changes in texture, and fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin B in tomatoes is also known to play a role in repairing skin cells and preventing a decrease in collagen levels.

The benefits of granulated sugar to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and loosen the face.

It turns out that granulated sugar also has benefits for reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging facial skin. This is thanks to the glycolic acid content in granulated sugar which acts as a skin exfoliator. Not only that, this sweetening ingredient can also trigger the regeneration of new skin cells and increase collagen production.

Relying on these two kitchen ingredients, you can make a facial scrub which is claimed to be able to tighten wrinkles and sagging face. You will even get a bright and naturally glowing face. Come on, see how to make and use it below, as reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @naturalremedioss, Wednesday (15/5).

photo: TikTok/@naturalremedioss


- 1 tomato
- Enough granulated sugar

How to create and use:

1. Wash the tomatoes until clean
2. Split the tomatoes into 2 parts
3. Dip the tomatoes in granulated sugar
4. Wash your face first to remove dirt and remaining makeup that is still attached
5. Dry your face
6. Rub the tomato and granulated sugar scrub on your face thoroughly using circular movements
7. Do it for 2-3 minutes then leave it for 5 or 10 minutes
8. Rinse using water until clean
9. Continue using moisturizer
10. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a firm and youthful face.

photo: TikTok/@naturalremedioss

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