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23 Maret 2024 23:00

Not just baking soda, this content creator shares how to whiten yellow teeth using an additional 1 type of fruit

Regular use will make tartar fall off and your breath will become fresher. Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@mservant

Brilio.net - Having healthy, white and clean teeth can indeed increase a person's self-confidence. Teeth that appear yellow are quite disturbing. From a health perspective, this condition can trigger various problems such as bad breath, tartar and gum inflammation.

Plaque deposits are one of the main causes of yellow stains on teeth. Plaque can appear due to various things, one of which is food waste that has not been cleaned. The longer you don't clean or rarely brush your teeth, the thicker the plaque that builds up on your teeth and gums. This is what causes tartar to form and teeth that appear yellow.

As we age, the outer enamel of our teeth also begins to thin, so that the second layer becomes more visible. This is what makes your teeth look yellow. Apart from age, the habit of drinking coffee or tea , smoking, and consuming dark colored foods can also cause teeth to appear yellow.

Quoting Healthline, many factors cause teeth to become dull and lose their white shine. Certain foods can stain tooth enamel, which is the outer layer of teeth. In addition, plaque buildup on the teeth can cause the teeth to appear yellow.

In general, yellow teeth are very easy to observe. Color changes can occur in one tooth, several teeth at once, or the entire upper and lower row of teeth. To overcome this, there are many ways that can be done. Such as undergoing treatment at the dentist, using teeth whitening products, and using natural ingredients.

Like the upload shared by a TikTok content creator with the account name @mservant on August 16 2023. In the video, he shares how to whiten yellow teeth using baking soda and the addition of 1 type of fruit. The fruit in question is a tomato.

"Pearly White Teeth In 3 Minutes - How To Whiten Teeth At Home? 100% effective (Pearly White Teeth In 3 Minutes - How To Whiten Teeth At Home? 100% effective)," wrote the content creator, which was reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @mservant, Saturday (23/3).

photo: TikTok/@mservant

Benefits of baking soda to whiten yellow teeth.

Baking soda is a baking agent which is known to have benefits for whitening yellow teeth. Baking soda has natural whitening properties so it is often added to toothpaste products. According to research in The Journal of Clinical Dentistry, toothpaste containing baking soda is more effective at removing yellow stains. This cake material has mild abrasive properties so it can remove stains on the surface of teeth. Baking soda can also create an alkaline environment in the mouth to prevent the growth of bacteria that cause yellow teeth and bad breath.

Tomato content to overcome yellow teeth.

Tomatoes contain vitamin C which can help protect gums and strengthen teeth. Some people believe that tomatoes have natural whitening properties that can help reduce stains on teeth. Apart from that, tomatoes also contain hydrogen peroxide which can whiten teeth and has been proven to have teeth whitening properties. The peroxide content in tomatoes can also increase the speed of hydrogen peroxide in reducing color. So the hydrogen peroxide and peroxidase content in tomatoes can be used as an alternative ingredient to treat yellow teeth.

With just these two natural ingredients, you can make a yellow teeth whitening paste that is effective in erasing yellowish stains on the surface of your teeth. Regular use will also make tartar fall off and your breath will become fresher. Come on, see how to make and use it.

photo: TikTok/@mservant


- 1 tomato
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- Enough toothpaste

How to create and use:

1. Grate the tomatoes until they are really fine.
2. Strain the grated tomatoes, then strain again and extract the juice.
3. Add baking soda and toothpaste .
4. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed.
5. Take a toothbrush then use whitening paste to brush your teeth.

photo: TikTok/@mservant

6. Brush your teeth gently between the teeth for 2-3 minutes.
7. Rinse using water until clean.
8. Do this method regularly every day or every 2 days to get white teeth free of yellowish stains.

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