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14 Mei 2024 19:10

No need to add cucumber, this is a trick to make red lips like Korean women using only 1 spice

Bad habits such as smoking can make lips dry and look dull. Anindya Kurnia
No need to add cucumber, this is a trick to make red lips like Korean women using only 1 spice foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Not a few people neglect the health and care of their lips, so that their lips become dry easily, appear black, and sometimes peel. This condition is caused by many factors, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive exposure to UV rays from the sun, allergies, excessive caffeine consumption, use of unsuitable lip care products, hormonal imbalances, and aging factors.

Apart from that, bad habits such as smoking can make your lips dry and look dull. This happens because exposure to nicotine and chemicals in cigarettes can irritate, remove moisture, and cause discoloration.

This lip problem can really disturb your appearance and reduce your self-confidence, especially for women. Even though black lips can be covered by using makeup such as lipstick or lip tint, having naturally pink lips like Korean celebrities is still the dream of many people.

To overcome this problem, you can follow a Korean woman's trick shared by YouTube user Asma Beauty Secret 1. In the video, which is several minutes long, she uses lime juice and turmeric powder.

Benefits of turmeric to brighten black lips.

The spice ingredient, namely turmeric, has natural whitening properties. This ingredient can help brighten the color of the lips and give them a natural red color. Meanwhile, the antioxidant content in turmeric can protect lips from damage caused by free radicals and prevent discoloration.

Lime content to remove dead skin cells that cause black lips.

Meanwhile, the citric acid found in lime can exfoliate the skin of the lips, so it can remove dead skin cells. Lime can also be used to clean dirt and excess oil on the lips, so they look clean and fresh.

Lime also contains vitamin C in it which is effective for brightening lips. Apart from vitamin C, lemons also contain alpha hydroxy acid which will help regenerate the skin and replace it with new cells.

Those are the benefits you can get from these two ingredients. So how do you make it? For those of you who are curious, let's look at the information below.

photo: YouTube/asmabeautysecret1


- 1/2 lime juice
- 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon peel off mask

photo: YouTube/asmabeautysecret1

How to make:

1. Pour in half the lime juice
2. Mix with turmeric powder
3. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
4. Add the peel off mask into the bowl
5. Stir all the ingredients again until smooth.

photo: YouTube/asmabeautysecret1

How to use:

1. Apply to lips using a brush
2. Leave it for approximately two minutes
3. When it's dry, peel off the mask
4. Use this trick regularly to get the desired results.

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