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25 Mei 2024 11:00

No need for whitening injections, the combination of alpha arbutin with 3 skincare ingredients makes your face automatically bright

Alpha arbutin is known to be effective in treating hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and other skin problems. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Having bright skin and being free from all facial problems is every woman's dream. In fact, quite a few of them want their faces to look youthful as they get older. This desire is also realized through a number of skincare products. It's not surprising that skincare sales among couples are now increasing rapidly.

There are various kinds of skincare products that you can use, ranging from cleansers, toners, serums, and moisturizers. Skincare products are formulated with various active and natural ingredients. One of them which is now quite popular among Indonesian people is alpha arbutin.

Alpha arbutin is known to be effective in treating hyperpigmentation , black spots and other skin problems without causing serious side effects. Being a derivative of hydroquinone, alpha arbutin is able to brighten the skin. Apart from that, alpha arbutin is considered safer and more effective because it can release hydroquinone gradually so that it does not cause irritation.

Alpha arbutin works by inhibiting the tyrosinase enzyme which is responsible for melanin production. This process has a positive impact on the skin, such as reducing melanin production. Therefore alpha arbutin helps brighten the overall skin tone.

Apart from that, alpha arbutin can also disguise acne scars or black spots. This is because the brightening properties of alpha arbutin help disguise the scars evenly.

Even the antioxidant content in alpha arbutin can protect the skin from free radicals and UV rays. It's not surprising that alpha arbutin is able to prevent the formation of black spots.

Those are the benefits of alpha arbutin for skin beauty. All the benefits above can see the effect on the skin more quickly if you combine it with other skincare ingredients. Information shared by a doctor, Dr. Anita Ang, AAAM, stated that there are three skincare ingredients that can be combined with alpha arbutin.

"3 really good skincare combined with Alpha Arbutin," explained the video upload, quoted by briliobeauty.net from TikTok @dr.antiaang, Friday (24/5).

So, if you're curious about what skincare ingredients Doctor Anita mentioned, let's look at the information as reported by briliobeauty.net from @dr.antiaang, Friday (24/5).

1. Alpha arbutin + kojic acid.

combination of alpha arbutin content.

The first combination of skincare ingredients is alpha arbutin and kojic acid. These two ingredients are able to brighten the face, fade black spots and treat dull skin.

Meanwhile, the benefits of kojic acid in skincare itself are also able to brighten it. Kojic acid is an effective lightening agent. By inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase, kojic acid reduces the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. As a result, skin looks brighter and more even.

In addition, kojic acid is effective in fading acne scars which usually leave black or red spots. By reducing melanin production in the area of acne scars, kojic acid helps restore an even, smoother skin tone.

2. Alpha arbutin and vitamin C.

combination of alpha arbutin content.

The second combination of skincare ingredients is alpha arbutin and vitamin C. Both combinations of these ingredients are able to brighten the skin. Apart from that, alpha arbutin and vitamin C are also able to ward off free radicals so that skin stays youthful.

Well, the vitamin C content in skincare works by inhibiting the tyrosinase enzyme which plays a role in melanin production. Believed to reduce melanin production, vitamin C indirectly helps fade dark spots and hyperpigmentation, so the skin looks brighter and radiant.

Not only that, vitamin C is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, molecules that can damage collagen and elastin in the skin, causing fine lines, wrinkles and loss of elasticity. By protecting the skin from free radicals, vitamin C helps reduce signs of aging and keep skin looking youthful for longer.

3. Alpha arbutin + HA (Hyaluronic acid).

combination of alpha arbutin content.

The final combination is alpha arbutin and HA or hyaluronic acid. These two ingredients are also able to make the face look bright. Even if used regularly, it can maintain moisture and antiaging, so that the face is free from signs of aging.

Talking about hyaluronic acid, this skincare ingredient is known for its extraordinary ability to hydrate and maintain skin moisture. Hyaluronic acid has the unique ability to attract and retain up to 1000 times its weight in water. It's not surprising that hyaluronic acid is very effective in hydrating the skin, making it moist, supple and radiant.

How to brighten your face without whitening injections.

You can get ways to brighten your face in various ways, apart from using skincare products and not using white injections, you can also brighten your face by applying natural ingredients. There are three natural ingredients that you can use, including:

1. Lemons.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid which can help brighten the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation. To use lemon, simply mix lemon juice with water in a 1:1 ratio. Apply this mixture to your face using cotton. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this 2-3 times a week.

2. Yogurt.

Yogurt contains lactic acid which helps exfoliate dead skin cells and brightens the skin. To use it, simply apply plain yogurt directly to the face. Leave it for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this several times a week.

3. Aloe vera.

Aloe vera has healing properties and can help brighten the skin, reduce dark spots, and moisturize the skin. Meanwhile, how to use it: take gel extract from fresh aloe vera leaves. Apply the gel directly to the face, leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this every day for best results.

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