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30 Mei 2024 12:10

Is it safer to wash your face with cold or warm water? This is the doctor's explanation so that the skin does not become irritated

Water temperature can affect the condition of your skin, so you shouldn't just wash your face. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Carrying out daily activities outside the home, such as working, playing, or doing whatever you need, makes your face easily exposed to free radicals and dirt. Especially if you always wear makeup, there is a high risk of residue from makeup products remaining in your pores. Therefore, it is important to clean your face when you have finished outdoor activities.

Facial cleanliness is very necessary to maintain healthy skin so that problems such as acne and blackheads do not arise. Not only that, skin pores are also at risk of damage and accelerated aging. Therefore, you need to clean your face regularly, at least by washing your face diligently.

To clean your face , you definitely need to use a face wash. After that, wash it with water so that no soap residue remains. According to one doctor named Saddam Ismail, who is known as an influencer with content about health and beauty, he said that washing your face with beauty soap should not be done carelessly , you know.

"It is recommended to clean your face using skincare products. This is indeed effective for removing excess sebum and oil from the skin. But don't make the mistake because it can disrupt your skin barrier or skin protection," explained Doctor Saddam, quoted by briliobeauty.net from his YouTube channel on Thursday (30/5).

photo: freepik.com

However, at this stage of rinsing your face with face wash, there are some people who are still confused about whether to use cold or warm water. Responding to the confusion of a number of people, doctor Saddam Ismail explained the use of cold and warm water to wash the face.

photo: freepik.com

According to him, water temperature can affect skin condition. Cold water is known to be very good for the face, because exposure to cold water on the skin can increase blood circulation. The positive effect can make the skin more radiant.

Cold water can also constrict capillaries. If your skin is inflamed, washing your face with cold water can relieve the inflammation. Not only that, cold water can also shrink pores. Another advantage of washing your face with cold water is that it makes the skin texture smoother.

"If you are sleepy, wash your face with cold water, it usually immediately freshens and refreshes you," he said.

photo: freepik.com

Meanwhile, washing your face with warm water can improve circulation in your face. Not only that, warm water can help relax the muscles around the face and help widen the pores. Therefore, it is effective in cleaning the face.

Cold and warm water does have its own benefits for the face. But you need to know, washing your face with warm water can remove fat or keratin. If this keratin is lost and damaged, it can affect the skin's moisture, which can make the face dry.

"The choice of cold or warm water is up to you. But if you ask me, choose cold water because you are afraid that your facial skin will become dry if you use warm water," added doctor Saddam Ismail.

The correct way to wash your face

You need to know how to wash your face properly. This is very important so that you get healthy and glowing facial skin. So, here are the ways to wash your face shared by doctor Saddam Ismail, including:

1. Choose a facial cleanser that does not contain alcohol.
2. Wet your face with cold or warm water, while massaging gently.
3. Use enough face wash and don't overdo it.
4. Rub gently with your palms to avoid irritation.
5. Rinse with water and dry using a towel by patting gently.
6. Apply moisturizing products to prevent dry skin.

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