- A common problem that people often complain about in the fold area is blackened armpits. In fact, there is another problem that is also quite disturbing besides black armpits, namely the sour smell or body odor that originates from the armpits.
The sour smell in the armpits occurs due to sweat mixed with bacteria. Apart from that, unpleasant odors are also produced due to friction and accumulated dead skin cells.
Well, dirt such as accumulated dead skin cells , pollution, and residue or leftover deodorant products can also cause unpleasant body odor. The reason is that various dirt or residue can become a place for the growth of bacteria that cause body odor.
Lack of cleanliness and rarely exfoliating the armpits can also cause bacteria to grow quickly and produce a sour aroma which is quite annoying.
Even though it is not a dangerous condition, the problem of sour underarm odor can reduce self-confidence, so many are looking for solutions to overcome it. Start by using skincare products, getting treatments at beauty clinics, and using natural ingredients. Well, one of the skincare products that is commonly used is deodorant .
Deodorant is a skincare product that is formulated to overcome acidic body odor and reduce the production of excessive sweat in the armpits. But unfortunately, the chemical content in deodorant products often irritates the skin for some people and actually makes the armpits appear black.
Not only that, some deodorants can actually make underarm odor even more sour thanks to the chemical content in them which is not suitable for some people.
But there's no need to worry, because you can use natural ingredients to help reduce the sour smell in your armpits. Like the upload from a TikTok user with the account name @taju552, who only uses 2 kitchen ingredients, namely baking soda and lemon juice.
Lemon baking soda reduces sour underarm odor
The benefits of baking soda to prevent sour odor in the armpits.
Baking soda is a baking agent that is widely used to make underarm scrubs. The reason is, apart from being able to brighten black underarms, this kitchen ingredient also contains antibacterials which can reduce the sour smell in the armpits.
Reporting from the Boldsky page, baking soda is a kitchen ingredient that can whiten black and unevenly colored underarms. Baking soda is also able to kill bacteria on human skin thanks to its ingredients which are effective in eliminating bacteria that cause unpleasant underarm odor.
Lemon content to reduce underarm odor.
Lemon also has antiseptic properties which can help eliminate underarm odor. This is because the citric acid content of lemons can fight bacteria that cause the buildup of dead skin cells that cause sour underarm odor. Not only that, the vitamin C in lemon is also effective in evening out the color of underarm skin that appears black.
Relying on these two kitchen ingredients, you can make an effective underarm scrub to overcome the sour smell of your armpits and make them free from excessive sweat. Here's how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @taju552, Tuesday (30/4).
Lemon baking soda reduces sour underarm odor
- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- 1/2 lemon juice
How to create and use:
1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir both until evenly mixed
3. Clean the armpits first from deodorant residue and dead skin cells
4. Apply the scrub to the underarms thoroughly
5. Rub gently and let sit for 10 minutes
6. Rinse using water until clean
7. Do this method regularly at least once a week to get optimal results.
Lemon baking soda reduces sour underarm odor