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10 November 2024 21:00

Instead of directly covering it with powder, here's a trick to overcome cracks in the smile line area that produces anti-putty results.

Although these smile lines are a natural sign of facial expression, sometimes problems arise when using makeup. Brilio.net
Instead of directly covering it with powder, here's a trick to overcome cracks in the smile line area that produces anti-putty results. foto: TikTok/@cutfebrina

Brilio.net - Smile lines or what are often called smile lines are fine lines that form around the mouth, especially in the area between the nose and the corners of the lips, which usually become more visible with age.

Although these smile lines are a natural sign of facial expression, sometimes problems arise when using makeup . In some people, the smile line area tends to crack or creasing.

This happens because makeup products, especially foundation, concealer, or powder, can blend with the skin and collect in the skin's natural folds, creating a more visible line effect.

Some factors that cause smile lines to crack are uneven skin texture, dehydration, or the use of makeup products that are not suitable for your skin type. This can make your makeup look imperfect, even looking like there are more prominent wrinkles or lines.

To overcome this, most people will immediately do a touch up using powder. This method will actually make the makeup look cakey and blocky.

But don't worry, because there is a special trick that you can imitate to overcome cracks in the smile line area without looking like putty. As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @cutfebrina.

photo: TikTok/@cutfebrina

" HOW TO REPAIR CRACKS IN SMILE LINE ," he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted on Sunday (10/11).

First, you need to remove the remaining crack products that are stuck in the smile line area. To do this, prepare a cotton bud, then wet it with micellar water. Rub the smile line area using a cotton bud slowly, until the remaining makeup products in the smile line area come off.

photo: TikTok/@cutfebrina

Next, tap the smile line area slowly using your fingers. Next, take the foundation using your fingers, then apply it to the smile line area. You can choose a foundation that has high coverage. Blend using your fingers until it is completely even and the smile line is completely covered.

photo: TikTok/@cutfebrina

Then, tap or set using loose powder slowly. Make sure to tap enough and do not move. This trick will help you get flawless makeup results and anti-putty in the smile line area.

photo: TikTok/@cutfebrina

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