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4 Juni 2024 13:10

Evenly white skin, this girl shares a concoction for treating spotty hands using lotion mixed with 1 type of powder

Skin does need sunlight, but if it is done too often there is a high risk of triggering sunburn and discoloration Devi Aristyaputri

Brilio.net - Driving during the day without using protection such as sunblock and gloves can make the skin on your hands become striped, you know. Indeed, basically your skin needs sunlight to produce vitamin D which is good for bones. Unfortunately, exposure to sunlight too often triggers skin burns and there is a high risk of discoloration.

This can happen because exposure to sunlight can produce more melanin. Therefore, it can make your skin dark and striped. Not only that, exposure to sunlight can also reduce skin elasticity. As a result, the skin on your hands becomes dry, thick and looks wrinkled.

Another cause of patchy hand skin is black scars. Scars such as abrasions, burns, and infections cause your skin to lose its pigment. Usually striped skin caused by wounds is generally not permanent or can be removed.

In order for striped hand skin to become even and bright again, you need a long time and intense care. One of them is always taking care of your skin by using body care products such as body lotion. Body care has many benefits for the beauty of the skin of the hands and other body parts. The reason is, this product is formulated with occlusive substances that can moisturize the skin. Not only that, ingredients derived from natural extracts can also make skin bright.

These are the general benefits of body lotion that you can get. So that you can get these benefits quickly, you can combine body lotion with other skincare products. This method is also used by a beauty vlogger named Rizki. Through his TikTok account @rizkikiii19, he combines body lotion with one type of powder, namely alpha arbutin.

So, how to combine these two products is quite easy. For those of you who want to try, you can listen to the information that briliobeauty.net reported from TikTok @rizkikiii19, Tuesday (4/6) as follows:

photo: TikTok/@ rizkikiii19

1. Prepare Marina Healthy and Glow body lotion.
2. Prepare 1 alpha arbutin capsule.
3. Prepare a small container.
4. Pour enough Marina Healthy and Glow body lotion into the container.
5. Open the alpha arbutin capsule and sprinkle the powder on the body lotion.
6. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
7. Apply to hands and can also be used on feet.
8. Wait until it is absorbed and use this trick regularly to make your skin evenly white.

Benefits of alpha arbutin to brighten striped skin.

Body and facial care requires various active ingredients, one of which is alpha arbutin. Launching from naturium.com, Tuesday (4/6) alpha arbutin is a natural antioxidant and skin brightener found in the bearberry plant. This alpha arbutin helps reduce melanin formation, melasma, and post-inflammatory pigmentation.

Not only that, alpha arbutin can also protect the skin from free radicals. It can even protect the skin from sun exposure. Therefore, using alpha arbutin on the skin can prevent discoloration and signs of aging.

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