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2 April 2024 20:10

Don't rush to buy a new one, here are 5 ways to clean a dirty beauty blender so it doesn't cause acne

A beauty blender will make your makeup spread evenly quickly and easily stick to your face. Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@lailaayusabrinaa

Brilio.net - Not a few people are less aware that acne , breakouts and irritation on their face are not only caused by bacteria and other free radicals. The reason is, facial skin problems can also be caused by expired makeup or makeup tools that are rarely or never cleaned. In fact, keeping makeup tools clean is important, because it can keep your face healthy and your makeup results more optimal.

Among the many makeup tools, one of the makeup tools that should be cleaned regularly is a makeup sponge or beauty blender. This makeup tool is many people's favorite makeup tool, especially beauty enthusiasts and MUAs. The reason is, the beauty blender will make the makeup spread quickly and easily stick to the face. Especially for leveling foundation, concealer, shading, liquid blush, color corrector, and even powder so it's not too putty.

photo: freepik.com

Using various liquid makeup products will generally leave residue in the beauty blender. Residue that is not cleaned, especially for a long time, will make this makeup tool dirty and become a place for bacteria to grow. Even dead skin cells, sebum and dirt on the face can also stick to the face, which can cause the face to break out easily and experience skin irritation.

As reported by the Journal of Applied Microbiology, it is said that around 70-90% of makeup tools are contaminated by microbes. Among the various types of makeup tools, beauty blenders are the ones that contain the most dangerous microbes. That's why keeping your beauty blender clean is very important.

So, if you are one of the people who is confused about how to clean a beauty blender so that it doesn't become a nest for acne-causing bacteria, you don't need to worry, because you can copy 5 ways to clean a dirty beauty blender so that it doesn't cause acne without buying a new product. As briliobeauty.net summarized from various sources, Tuesday (2/4).

1. How to clean a beauty blender using baking soda.

Baking soda or baking soda is also often used as a cleaning agent. Various kitchen and household equipment are often cleaned with this material, including makeup equipment. It's not surprising that this baking agent can also help clean the beauty blender. Not without reason, because beauty blenders contain antibacterial ingredients which are effective in killing bacteria that develop on various makeup equipment. In fact, this material is also effective in binding dirt and oil which become residue in the beauty blender. To do this, you can listen to the tricks shared by the YouTube account naelyknows below.


- Beauty blender
- Dish soap
- Warm water
- Baking soda

How to clean:

1. Collect a number of beauty blenders that look dirty and have black stains in a bowl
2. Pour dish soap and baking soda into the bowl containing the beauty blender
3. Pour in warm water then stir and let sit for a few minutes
4. Rub the beauty blender until it is clean and the residue is completely gone
5. If you feel it is clean, rinse with water then lift the beauty blender and squeeze until there is no water in it
6. Place on a dry, clean tissue
7. Leave it until the beauty blender is completely dry.

2. How to clean a beauty blender using olive oil.

Reporting from the Womenhealth page, the ingredients in olive oil are effective in removing powder stains that accumulate on sponges or beauty blenders. The reason is, olive oil contains antibacterial and natural cleansers which are able to remove various stains and dirt on the beauty blender. The growth of bacteria in the beauty blender can also be overcome by using olive oil without causing it to be damaged. To do this, you can copy the trick shared by the TikTok account @beautyforeverybody below.


- Dirty beauty blender
- Enough hot water
- 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
- Sufficient cleaning fluid

How to clean:

1. Pour hot water into the container
2. Add olive oil and cleaning fluid, then stir until evenly mixed
3. Put the beauty blender in the hot water solution then soak for a few moments
4. When the water is a bit cold, you can rub it gently with your hands
5. Squeeze then rub again until all the remaining makeup and dirt is gone
6. Rinse using clean water until the juice is clear
7. Squeeze until completely dry then place under a fan or AC to dry quickly.
8. Do this regularly at least twice a week to keep the beauty blender clean and safe to use. Good luck!

3. How to clean a beauty blender using liquid bath soap.

As is known, liquid bath soap usually has a gentle formula on the skin but is able to remove dirt, bacteria and sebum that sticks to the surface of the skin. Therefore, you can also use liquid bath soap to wash your dirty beauty blender. To do this, you can listen to the tricks shared by the TikTok account @_hanarii below.


- Dirty beauty blender
- Enough liquid bath soap
- Water

How to clean:

1. Soak the beauty blender in water until all parts are wet and the water is absorbed into it
2. Pour enough liquid bath soap on the dirty part of the beauty blender
3. Clean the remaining product or makeup residue trapped in the beauty blender by massaging or squeezing it several times, then rinse with water
4. Repeat this step until the beauty blender is clean of cushion residue and the rinse water is not cloudy
5. Dry the beauty blender with a clean tissue or towel, then dry it in the open until it is completely dry before using it again.

4. How to clean a beauty blender using dish soap.

You can also use dish soap as a cleaning agent to deal with dirty beauty blenders. This is because this cleanser contains gentler ingredients than other cleansers, so it is safe and will not damage the texture and shape of the beauty blender. To do this, you can see the trick shared by the TikTok account @lailaayusabrinaa below.


- Dirty beauty blender
- Enough hot water
- Water flow
- Enough dish soap

How to clean:

1. Pour water into the pan
2. Heat the water using medium heat until it really boils
3. While waiting for the water to boil, prepare a stainless steel container then put a dirty makeup sponge into the container
4. Pour enough dishwashing soap and boiling water on a dirty makeup sponge
5. Press the makeup sponge using a spoon until the remaining makeup product comes out
6. Soak for half a day or all day
7. After a day, squeeze the makeup sponge until the remaining makeup product is completely removed and dissolved
8. Discard the water then rinse using running water until the juice becomes clear
9. Squeeze until there is no water left, then dry outdoors.

5. How to clean a beauty blender using facial wash products and micellar water.

It is believed that using micellar water can eliminate bacteria and fungus in the beauty blender. The reason is, micellar water is made from fat particles. If used to clean a beauty blender, micellar water can break down fats. Until finally the fat breaks down and makes all the dirt in the beauty blender disappear. Meanwhile, facial wash helps remove dirt that is still deposited in the beauty blender. To do this, you can copy the trick shared by the YouTube account drRichard_Lee below.


- Dirty beauty blender
- Micellar water
- Facial wash
- Water flow

How to clean:

1. Flush the beauty blender with running water
2. Pour micellar water into the beauty blender
3. Squeeze the beauty blender
4. Apply micellar twice
5. Pour the facial wash into the beauty blender
6. Rub gently
7. Rinse using running water
8. Pour micellar water again at the last stage, so that the mold disappears
9. Rub gently and rinse using running water
10. Dry it in the sun and the beauty blender or sponge is ready for you to use again
11. By using this method, the beauty blender or makeup sponge looks like a new product.

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