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15 Februari 2024 13:10

Don't just use coffee, this is a way to disguise the appearance of gray hair with the addition of 1 type of fruit

Not only does this method disguise the appearance of gray hair, it can also make hair soft, naturally shiny and strong. Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@sl33py_tnk3r4

Brilio.net - When someone starts to age or enters old age, various signs of aging will also appear. One of them is gray hair and several signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and black spots on several parts of the face. Of the various signs of aging, the appearance of gray hair is considered by some people to be quite disturbing to their appearance, so many are looking for ways to disguise the appearance of gray hair.

The reason is, gray hair can make a person's appearance look older than their actual age. It's not only experienced by elderly people, young people or teenagers can also experience gray hair growth. This is called premature graying. Gray hair itself is the condition where grayish-white strands of hair appear when a person reaches the age of 30 and above, and will increase in number as they get older.

This condition occurs because as a person ages, the production of melanin in the hair follicles will also decrease. This is what causes the hair not to get perfect pigment. Apart from aging, growing gray hair can also be caused by other factors, such as genetics, hormonal changes, sun exposure, lack of hair care, styling too often using heating tools and chemical dyes, using unsuitable hair care, and lifestyle. which is unhealthy.

To overcome this condition, quite a few people use hair polish sold on the market or get it colored at salons. This method is indeed effective for disguising the appearance of gray hair, but it has side effects that are not good for hair health . The reason is, the polish used contains quite harsh chemicals, so it can damage hair health if used for a long period of time.

Another solution, you can disguise the appearance of gray hair in your hair using natural ingredients, you know. As shared by the owner of the TikTok account @sl33py_tnk3r4 on September 6 2023. In his upload, the account owner shared how to disguise the appearance of gray hair. Not only using coffee, but also using additional 1 type of fruit, namely tomatoes.

Why can coffee disguise the appearance of gray hair?

photo: freepik.com

As a beverage ingredient that is known to prevent drowsiness, coffee is also effective in treating various hair and scalp problems, including disguising the appearance of gray hair. It is common knowledge that coffee contains caffeine and antioxidants. These two ingredients are believed to be able to nourish the hair and scalp as well as improve blood circulation in the scalp, thereby inhibiting the growth of gray hair.

Apart from that, coffee also has a dark color, so it can act as a stain that leaves black-brown marks as a natural dye on the hair. Launching from the Healthline page, the caffeine content in coffee has benefits for hair health. These include stimulating hair growth, softening hair, giving it natural shine, reducing hair loss, and can disguise the appearance of gray hair.

The content and benefits of tomatoes for healthy hair and reducing the appearance of gray hair.

No less effective than coffee, tomatoes, which are known as a fruit high in vitamin C, are also effective in disguising the appearance of gray hair, you know. The vitamins contained in tomatoes are a good stimulant for hair. The vitamins and minerals in it are believed to be able to nourish the scalp and reduce gray hair while disguising its appearance.

Tomatoes can also prevent hair from oxidative damage that causes gray hair while making it stronger and preventing hair loss. As reported by Healthline, tomatoes contain vitamin C and folate. Thanks to these ingredients, tomatoes have various benefits for the health of the body, skin and hair. By using tomatoes as a hair mask regularly, you will get hair that is soft, naturally shiny, strong and free of gray hair.

After knowing the benefits of the ingredients mentioned, here's how to make and use a hair mask which is believed to be able to disguise the appearance of gray hair, reported by briliobeauty.net from TikTok/@sl33py_tnk3r4 on Thursday (15/2).


photo: TikTok/@sl33py_tnk3r4

- 1 tomato
- 2 teaspoons of coffee powder

How to create and use:

photo: TikTok/@sl33py_tnk3r4

1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly then cut them into smaller pieces.
2. Put the tomato pieces in a blender then puree until it resembles a paste.
3. Pour into a container, filter, and add coffee powder.
4. Stir the two until evenly mixed and the texture is thick.
5. If your hair is dry, you can add enough olive oil.
6. Stir again until completely even.
7. Apply the mask to your hair and scalp thoroughly.
8. Massage gently until absorbed, then roll your hair and let it sit for 1-2 hours.
9. Rinse using shampoo and conditioner.
10. Do this regularly twice a week to disguise the appearance of gray hair in your hair.

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