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16 April 2024 06:27

Don't just buy a new one, these 5 easy ways to clean dirty powder puffs & cushions without damaging the product

Dirty puffs can be like new again if cleaned the right way. Anindya Kurnia
Don't just buy a new one, these 5 easy ways to clean dirty powder puffs & cushions without damaging the product foto: TikTok/@hindrikanatasha

Brilio.net - Not a few people are less aware that acne on their face is not only caused by the growth of bacteria and the effects of free radicals. Using makeup tools that are dirty and rarely cleaned can also be the cause. One of them is the use of puff cushions and powder puffs. These two makeup tools can actually become a nest for dirt that causes facial skin problems.

After being repeatedly used to sweep the product over the surface of the face, the puff cushion and powder puff can become infected with germs from one area of the face and then spread to other areas. Moreover, if the puff is not cleaned regularly, various dirt such as oil, bacteria, germs and product residue that is still attached will increasingly accumulate and cause various skin problems. Such as the appearance of acne, blackheads, and dangerous skin irritation.

photo: freepik.com

Not only that, in fact there are still many people who don't realize that cleanliness of makeup product puffs is very important for facial health, especially cushion puffs and powder. So, if you are one of them, you should start cleaning your makeup puff regularly so that your makeup is more perfect and free from various skin problems. Just by cleaning it the right way, you can get your dirty puff to be like new again, you know.

Like the following 5 easy ways to clean dirty powder puffs and cushions, which briliobeauty.net has summarized from various sources, Monday (15/4).

1. How to clean dirty powder puffs and cushions using bar soap.

Not only is it used to clean the body from dirt, dust and pollution that sticks to the skin, bar soap can also be used to clean dirty powder puffs or puff cushions, you know. The reason is, bar soap also has antibacterial properties which can clean dirt such as oil, makeup residue and bacteria that cause dirty puffs. To do this, you can listen to the tricks shared by the owner of the TikTok account @galih_makeupartist below.


- Dirty cushion puffs and powder puffs
- Brand new bar soap
- Water

How to clean:

1. Soak the puff first while rubbing it so that any remaining powder or foundation on the puff comes off.
2. Rub the puff on the bar of soap until the makeup stains disappear.
3. Rinse using clean water.
4. If the makeup stain on the puff is not clean, you can repeat this by rubbing it again with bar soap until the puff is completely clean.
5. Rinse again while squeezing it to make it cleaner and not leave any makeup residue on the puff cushion or powder puff.

2. How to clean dirty powder puffs and cushions using liquid bath soap.

As is known, liquid bath soap usually has a gentle formula on the skin but is able to remove dirt, bacteria and even sebum that sticks to the surface of the skin. Therefore, you can also use liquid bath soap to wash your dirty puff cushion or powder. To do this, you can check out the tricks shared by the TikTok account @_hanarii below.


- Dirty cushion puffs and powder puffs
- Water
- Enough liquid bath soap

How to clean:

1. Soak the puff in water until the entire puff is wet and the water is absorbed into the puff.
2. Pour enough liquid bath soap on the dirty part of the puff.
3. Clean the remaining cushion product or powder trapped in the puff by massaging or squeezing it several times, then rinse with water.
4. Repeat this step until the puff is clean of remaining makeup products and the rinse water is not cloudy.
5. Dry the puff with a clean tissue or towel, then dry it in the open until it is completely dry before using it again.

3. How to clean dirty powder puffs and cushions using warm water.

Warm water is useful to help break down the remains of makeup products that have been absorbed by the puff cushion or powder puff. By using warm water, the process of cleaning dirty puffs will be much easier. To do this, you can copy the trick shared by the TikTok account @hindrikanatasha below.


- Dirty cushion puffs and powder puffs
- Warm water
- Bar soap
- Towel

How to clean:

1. Soak the puff in warm water.
2. Wet the bar soap then gently rub the surface of the puff on the bar soap.
3. Rub it with your hands then squeeze until the dirt comes off.
4. Rinse using warm water and repeat the method until the puff is completely clean.
5. Once clean, rinse the puff using plain water then squeeze.
6. Dry using a towel until there is no water left on the puff.
7. Place the puff under an AC, fan, or near a window exposed to sunlight so that it dries faster and doesn't get moldy easily.
8. Do this regularly at least once a week to prevent various skin problems caused by dirty puffs.

4. How to clean dirty powder puffs and cushions using dish soap.

Dish soap is often used to clean makeup tools because it is thought to remove dirt, oil and product residue that sticks to brush bristles, sponges and makeup puffs. The surfactant content in laundry soap can function to clean dirt and oil by reducing the surface tension of water. Apart from that, there is also sodium hypochlorite which has a clean effect on makeup tools. Using laundry soap products is safe to use because the formula is gentle and effective at eliminating bacteria. To do this, you can see the trick shared by Maria Soelisty's YouTube account below.


- Dirty cushion puffs and powder puffs
- Enough warm water
- Dish soap

How to clean:

1. Add dish soap to warm water and mix.
2. Put the puff into the warm water mixture.
3. Soak in the water mixture for about 10 to 15 minutes.
4. After 15 minutes, immediately wash the puffs by squeezing them one by one.
5. Next, put the washed puff into a rinse container filled with clean water.
6. Squeeze again in the second water container until all the dirt in the puff comes out. Continue to the third clean water container until it is completely clean.
7. After that, dry the puff using a tissue then place it on a plate covered with a dry towel.
8. Finally, dry again using a clean towel. Then air it in front of a fan or AC so that it is completely dry.

5. How to clean dirty powder puffs and cushions using hot water and dish soap.

Hot water in question is water that is boiling or has a temperature above 80 degrees. Hot water is actually safe for cleaning dirty makeup puffs, because it does not contain chemicals that can damage makeup puffs. Apart from that, a fairly high water temperature can also make it easier for dirt such as leftover makeup products, dead skin cells, and other dirt stuck to the makeup puff to come off easily.

Meanwhile, you can also use dish soap as a cleaning agent to deal with dirty makeup puffs. The reason is that this cleanser contains gentler ingredients than other cleansers, so it is safe and will not damage puff makeup. To do this, you can listen to the tricks shared by the TikTok account @lailaayusabrinaa below.


- Enough hot water
- Water flow
- Dirty cushion puffs and powder puffs
- Enough dish soap

How to clean:

1. Pour water into the pan.
2. Heat the water using medium heat until it really boils.
3. While waiting for the water to boil, prepare a stainless steel container then put the dirty makeup puff into the container.
4. Pour enough dishwashing soap and boiling water on the dirty makeup puff.
5. Press the makeup puff using a spoon until the remaining makeup product comes out.
6. Soak for half a day or all day
7. After a day, squeeze the makeup puff until the remaining makeup product is completely removed and dissolved.
8. Discard the water then rinse using running water until the juice becomes clear.
9. Squeeze until there is no water left, then dry outdoors.

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